All's quiet on the Russian front

Apr 12, 2006 13:17

We had a nice poly group meetup this last Sunday. It was one of the first I've gone to that actually talked some about poly issues - primarily when and if you tell the children. It was good to meet some of the people. Seems there is a lot of new faces each meetup - often long-time members, just those I've not seen.

I go to Dallas next week on business. Shirl's coming too. That should be nice. I found a dojo to workout, at least one evening, while I'm there. I worked out last night and my neck is pretty sore. Did a lot of breakfalls with a very energetic partner. I thought I was going to have to teach Monday night. The normal instructor called and asked if I could cover class. Fortunately one of the other Yudansha showed up and was willing to teach. He's just a day out of a nice seminar so had lot's of good stuff to show. I watched class (elbow was still a little iffy). WW and SM were there. The instructor and I went for cokes after class and he talked a lot about the seminar. WW and SM thought about coming (ok, discussed it, indecisively for 5 minutes, until I told the instructor that they'd still be there when we got back). They decided to go home. It didn't bother me seeing them, nor that they didn't come for cokes. It's more and more obvious that WW won't or perhaps cannot go anywhere much, without SM. I thought he was just jealous of her seeing friends and lovers w/o him. Perhaps it extends to practice too. Can you say co-dependent? I thought you could.

Our friends, Jen and Shar bid on a house only a few miles away, but didn't get the house. Seems the owner had made a verbal committment to sell to someone else, just prior to them making the bid. I think they really did like that house.

I have a small Zen retreat coming up this weekend. I need to start preparing lists of things I and others have to bring. Also need to start packing for Dallas.

Our GLBT group has a inter-company social tomorrow night. Shirl and I may go. At least if anyone from my company decides to go.

zen, martial arts, polyamory, lgbt

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