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Thursday's video will be even spookier. It's hard to be spooky when the cats just yawn. XD
I've never recorded myself reading so much literature. It's kind of fun, but it also makes me that much more shy about other people on YouTube watching my videos. Ah well. It's worth it if you enjoy it. ♥
I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show today and it inspired me to make this icon and one other one. Am I the only person who finds Rocky adorable? (Not hot. Adorable.) His smile is too cute. I wish Peter Hinwood was like that for real.
First time I saw RHPS: Halloween, 1995. I was eight. The next day, I sang "Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me!" for my friends at recess. Then, as I grew, I went on to teach my friends the songs and perform it with them in backyards all over Virginia Beach. I was always Frank-N-Furter and Columbia. To this day, those friends remember our "performances" and the movie makes them think of me. ^_^
Sar Bear: Corrupting Youth Since 1995.