In honor of Halloween, I decided that I had to make a creepy video of "The Pillowman" by Martin McDonagh. It's from my favorite play and it really is perfect for Halloween, even though it is sad, too. I'm still waiting for Tim Burton to direct a film version of it. (This is the play I saw on Broadway when I met Billy Crudup and Jeff Goldblum afterwards, at the stage door. My advice for if you ever want to meet anyone famous at a gig, play, etc.: Find the stage door ahead of time and wait there when the show is over! It's only failed me once, and that was with Judi Dench. What are the odds of meeting Dame Judi Flippin' Dench outside a stage door? I should've known she would hide. XD This is the longest parenthetical thing I've ever done, I think. It's kind of fun. I guess this is a good time to mention that Billy Crudup's cheekbones could slice bread... at least in 2005, when I met him. And also, Jeff Goldblum is ♥, sweet ♥. Okay, end parenthesis.)
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