Feb 22, 2006 20:41
Ever have one of those weeks where you just can't wait for it to end? Yeah, that was last week...this week Friday can't get here fast enough...but not for the purpose of the week ending..it's cause I'm going away for the weekend.
I'll be in Wisconsin Friday-Sunday..I'm chaperoning a camp retreat for my Aunt's Hebrew School 5th-7th graders. I'll be staying in the cabin with the girls..this should be a very interesting trip...to say the least. I am excited..for the sheer reason that I'll be away from Munster for a whole weekend..away from the hustle and bustle of my everyday routine life. It's time for me to have a little break..I freakin' deserve it..I've been working my ass off in school..and it's showing big time.
Lonliness seems to be getting to me lately...especially at night, when I'm cuddling up in bed with nobody next to me. I have really grown from the last relationship that I had..and I honestly believe that I've really moved on..and now I just really want to show myself that I am capable of having a great relationship..however..I'm taking it as it comes..the game "wait and see" comes to mind.
My hands have been extremely dry lately..normally this doesn't bother me in the winter time..but oh my god..it's horrible...soooo horrible. I'm lotioning..but I'm washing my hands so much lately that it's just making no difference..they're sorta painful..and it's not fun.
Oh, here's a thought..any of you reading this if you can think of any good activities to do with girls that are between 5-7th grade please let me know. I have to come up with an activity for these girls to do before bed at night..wonderful. If you've got ideas..let me have them! Thanks!
Alright, time to go watch Project Runway and then get some shuteye..last day of the week for me tommorow..woohoo...