Nov 14, 2004 19:09
So you know how Old Dirty Bastard recently died in his studio? Tragedy, this I know. When Neil told me about it I was quite shocked, but then I saw this in his livejournal and laughed like crazy. Enjoy.
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Yes - The Gates of Delerium ]
Studio Producer: try this
Old Dirty Bastard: what is it
Studio Producer: it's called Pepsi Edge™
Old Dirty Bastard: tastes great, but you know how I feel about cola with the usual high amount of carbohydrates. It puts my low-carb lifestyle in check.
Studio Producer: But this has half the carbs, Mr. Bastard.
Old Dirty Bastard: NIGGA BE TRIPPIN--
Studio Producer: ...........He's dead.