writers_muses: 58.4. Endings.

Oct 25, 2008 12:21

4. Ficlet: Beginnings and Endings: Write about either a beginning or an ending in your muse's life.

November 1, 1981

It's not true. It's NOT. You're lying. Say you're lying. IT'S NOT TRUE. They can't-- He didn't-- He's not--



The thoughts continued, wanting so badly to yell them out and make Dumbledore say the truth, but he couldn't. His mouth wouldn't open, his voice wouldn't work, and all Remus felt was how the world seemed to spin around him. His knees felt shaky, and if he were more alert of his own body at that particular moment he'd realize that his whole body was starting to shake, but he didn't. All he could do was stare. All he could do was keep telling himself it wasn't true, because it couldn't be. It just couldn't be truth.

"I'm so sorry, Remus."

Dumbledore's voice was quiet, gentle, but Remus flinched anyway. The movement seemed to shake something inside him, because at once he could feel his eyes stinging with unshed tears but he shook his head as if to make them go away. No. It wasn't true. Dumbledore was lying, he had to be.

"Lily's and Jame's bodies are safe. Harry is safe, and he will be looked after."

Stop it. No. You're lying.

"Peter... His family is being informed as we speak. Do you know--"

The rest of the words became a garbled mess in Remus' head, and he closed his eyes as the grief hit him full on. It couldn't be true. Harry couldn't be gone. Lily, James, Peter, they couldn't all be dead.

And Sirius...

Azkaban, he suddenly remembered Dumbledore saying, and the nausea was suddenly so overwhelming that Remus leaned against the wall and simply let himself drop down to the floor so he could sit. The room wouldn't stop spinning, though; it just seemed to gain speed, and with a sort of mix between a gasp and sob Remus bowed his head. Stop it. You're wrong. They can't be dead. Sirius couldn't have. He wouldn't. He--

The feel of Dumbledore's hand squeezing his shoulder made Remus blink up at him, tears stinging in his eyes, but he didn't move. He didn't yell at him, and he didn't scream begging him to tell him that he was lying. He just tried to breathe again, and he tried to make sense of what had just happened, even if he knew he would never be able to.

lily, writer muses prompt, james, harry, sirius, backstory

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