NOT Another Random Holiday Picspam

Aug 12, 2006 09:17

Yet another random holiday has come up in the calendar.

Today, August 12th, is Thank You Day. But, for a slight change of pace, instead of a picspam, I am going to attempt to start a meme.

Online fandom can get very cluttered and complicated and crazy at times. Especially when in real life we’re all hot and bothered and busy.

So here’s what I want you to do:

Take 5, 10, 15, 25 people on your flist and tell them “Thank You” for something they do or have done that makes your day a little brighter, a little richer, a little more enjoyable, and post it in your journal sometime today. Remember why it’s called your “FRIENDS list” in the first place.

Whoever is on the list is automatically tagged to carry it on.

Some of these are serious, some are silly. Some are applicable to many people, some personalized. Some I pointed out one specific thing, some many. There was no rhyme or reason to it, just whatever came to me when I pulled up your name.

(NOTE: I don’t except everyone on my list to do this meme. And anyone NOT on the list is perfectly free to run with it, if they’d like.)

violet4120, Thank you for being friendly and caring about so many other people. And for putting up with my random appearances and conversations on AIM.

mutinousmuse, Thank you for being SUCH a fellow book lover as to come up with /organize the Nerd-a-thon (even if I really don’t have time to participate, just knowing about its existence makes me happy!). Oh - and for the most awesome Alphabet Google list EVER.

petunia846, Thank you for sharing little glimpses of your cozy domestic life with us - Hot Plumber, Kitty, blue toenails, and all!

lyra_wing, Thank you for doing such PERFECT and HILARIOUS Winchester banter. (and lots of it!)

nsfinch, Thank you for being so wonderfully supportive and real and warm. And for seemingly being actually interested in the random flotsam and jetsam I share.

jetpants, Thank you for promising to do Supernatural/Star Wars crossover fic for me someday (and possibly even the potential for Supernatural/Indiana Jones fic!)

bostonben, Thank you for not only giving way to extreme silliness and squee, but also being a calm voice of encouragement, support, and reasonable adulthood far from the madding crowd of fandom.

upanashad, Thank you for being such a sweet, pleasant, genuine person. And for sticking around and keep coming back. (And being my virtual sister!)

wickedripeplum, Thank you for making AWESOME fanvids - and many, many of them!

ironsgold, Thank you for understanding about loving Goldens, and horses, and Man From Snowy River, and tying rope halters, and systems of cleaning/organizing, and co-ops, and bulk restaurant produce, and google searches, and America’s Got Talent, and Treasure Hunters, and “Lafayette! Lafayette! It’s Lafayette!!! AGGGGH!” and so many other things!

schnappycat, Thank you for creating a habitat where we can observe the Muhney interact with online fandom, from the comfort of our own homes.

sadiekate, Thank you creating credible, intriguing, enjoyable Veronica/Lamb - and lots of it! And the Zombie Contingency Plan. And all the transcripts of dialogue and commentary that goes on between you, QB and your wacky, weekly guest stars.

jascott, Thank you for being spazzy crazy-eyed Calvin. And for MFSR. And for picspams with incredibly long captions/titles. And for the joy that is your tags. And for introducing me to the talking monkey site.

sanyin, Thank you for having an AWESOME brain and being as addicted to writing farfetched AUs as I am to reading them

rssrss, Thank you for being so open and honest about yourself and your life. And so dedicated and strong. And playful and creative. And so interested and interactive with others.

warden96, Thank you for ALWAYS asking the detail-seeking questions I generally want to, but frequently stifle. (oh, and the whole "entire 12,000+ pages of the Meet Market memorized" thing)

smidgy06, Thank you for being willing to ride out the roller coaster loop-de-loop that is my brain - and even finding it amusing.

r_a_n_s_o_m, Thank you for being here as a big, hairy, insistent reminder to get me to exercise more.

carpedi7, Thank you for being the sweet, wonderful, shorter, older twin I always wanted. And for giving me someone to squee over NCIS with. And, oh honey, just for being you!

magnolia888, Thank you for posting the season 3 promo for The Office. (I’m as close to a non-shipper as a television fan can get, and yet that? Made me all gooey with more than a hint of squee)

ladydisdain225, Thank you for picking the rare, but utterly PERFECT songs for amazing fanvids - oh, and for “Killer Crossover”

Everyone associated with neptune_online - Thank you for creating an awesome entity that somehow balances between delicious meta and (post)foreshadowing and “this is so what really happened that I’m retroactively declaring it all behind-the-scenes canon”

gymble, Thank you for tagging me - and for a BOOK meme! (I’ll get to it eventually, I promise)

ora_wai, Thank you for giving me comments to wake up to in the morning (bless those overseas time zones!). And for being so open and seeking input and ideas and experiences. And for being such a reliable support/encourager.

witchofthedogs, Thank you for being such a excellent source of recs and links. I have no idea how much stuff I’ve discovered, originating from one of your posts.

daynr, Thank you for being such a stalwert supporter and motivator. And for giving me an outlet for YA fantasy / historical fiction novel squee!

nightchik, Thank you for making Winchester Post Secrets.

ivyisgilgamesh, Thank you for giving me hope (ever so long ago in the VM4) that I CAN lose all this weight - and not only that, but I can actually look pretty freakin’ HOT when I do!

kashtanga, Thank you being such a sweet, mature, and self-aware individual. And for introducing me to the Rhapsody books. And for appreciating the beauty of the bagpipes.

ankai, Thank you for being such a conscientious commenter.

maxymama, Thank you for not only GETTING my massive, inexplicably overboard, untiring Supernatural love addiction - but matching it, measure for measure.

fishinginthemud, kissyboots13, llush, Thank you gals (and others, of course) for making my initiation to online fandom/communities (via the VM4) such a memorable, amusing, addictive, one-of-a-kind experience.

eirefaerie, Thank you for the many long, rambling, highly amusing posts/rants/picspams.

helpwess, Thank you for understanding the concept of NOT ENOUGH CAPSLOCK IN THE WORLD! And so often making your journal a place where I can vent the crazy in my own head - even if vicariously through the comment threads of you and others.

twop_tjl, Thank you for being thoughtful and sensitive and mature and remembering to acknowledge small things in people’s lives.

rachel_shanz, Thank you for being someone else who reminds me to not be afraid to release the overly-punctuated, spastically hyperbolic creature I am inside.

truemyth, Thank you for posting the Claudia Black / Ben Browder Con Q&A YouTube hookup!

beeker121, Thank you for inspiring me to make goals, not only for the things I really want to do, but ones that stretch my boundaries.

(FINAL NOTE: If you are not on the list, it was not an intentional oversight or a deliberate exclusion. I have far too many people - even on my mutual flist - to comment on everybody in a reasonable period of time. As it was, this abbreviated version took me two days off and on. If you’re reading this, just consider yourself the recipient of blanket feelings of gratitude.

Thank you.)

*hugs*, memes, random holidays, awww you guys!, flist

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