NOT Another Random Holiday Picspam

Aug 12, 2006 09:17

Yet another random holiday has come up in the calendar.

Today, August 12th, is Thank You Day. But, for a slight change of pace, instead of a picspam, I am going to attempt to start a meme ( Read more... )

*hugs*, memes, random holidays, awww you guys!, flist

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Comments 8

certainthings August 12 2006, 05:45:06 UTC
:) You're welcome.

Thank you to you. For being insane and letting me into your life.


mutinousmuse August 12 2006, 07:52:15 UTC
Aw, NERD LOVE! Hee. And you are so sweet to do this list! *hugs*


gymble August 12 2006, 15:58:40 UTC
Aw. I used my highly honed powers of perception to decide that if you liked VM, puzzle, cooking from scratch, and musicals, you must also like my other great love - BOOKS! That really was my logic. Sort of.

This was sweet. Thanks!


ora_wai August 12 2006, 18:40:25 UTC


violet4120 August 12 2006, 19:27:02 UTC
Aw, this was awesome. I'm first! Hee. Yeah, I know, there's no specific order, but it still made my day, and so I thank you for that. And also, I wouldn't call it "putting up with" your AIM conversations! I rather enjoy them and you help motivate me. :)


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