I was beginning to develop a complex

Jan 27, 2006 22:46

So, I have just been informed by a few people that my posts have not been appearing on their friends' pages.

I don't know why this would be or what I might have done to cause it, but I poked around on my journal settings and then did some test runs and they seem to be showing up now.

I am really rather relieved to learn this, because, over the past week or two, I have received less than 10 comments - and I've made at least that many posts.

SO, hopefully everything is back to normal now. Now you know that I'm not dead, nor have I just turned my back and walked away from Internet communities (not my fandom - just the forums/blogs) entirely. (Which, I have to confess, with the combination of widespread negativity and hurt feelings, the stress of my own schedule, and the ongoing near absolute non-response from my flist over the past 10 days or so, I seriously pondered.)

And, if any of y'all are bored, have some time to kill, or want to prove to me that my feelings of flist apathy tinged with personal inadequacy are completely BOGUS - you might take a look-see back through my last few posts in case you missed them. I've got silly stuff, random stuff, food-related unusual holiday stuff, and some kinda serious stuff too. NOTE: BUT NOTHING RE: VERONICA MARS / THE LATEST EPISODE / FANDOM ISSUES So, pretty S.O.P. for me. (Oh, except there is a continued absence of daily intake posts - I wrote about that in my long semi-serious post last week, if you want to read about that.)

'Kay, that's all from me for now. Hopefully, lj will cooperate and the lines of communication will stay clear.

can anybody hear me?, mood, lj, kinda serious, flist, please read

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