Today's Consumption

Nov 12, 2005 11:57

Not much really.

4 or 5 servings "Multi-Grain Flakes" (I had cereal for breakfast and lunch)
Cooked dinner: chicken breast seasoned with teragon, paprika, parsley, garlic, and Vege-Sal, cooked with spinach and yellow squash. (I used a little too much Vege-Sal, but it was very good.)
Mixture of wild rice and brown ri23
green peas
1 Braum's Light Fudge Bar (I KNOW. This is deliberately going against my "no sweets" commitment, so feel free to whack away. However, I think it's allowable. Only 90-cal each (and VERY tasty!) which means the entire BOX would be barely more than that 400-cal brownie I had a few weeks ago. Also, I have rules for enjoying them. 1) Only on the weekends 2) No more then two per week 3) At least 24-hours between them 4) I have to EARN it. Today, I sorted through two boxes of stuff in my closet to earn this one, and I'm going to keeo working at it.)

60 oz water

water, daily intake, temptation

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