Time Flies

Nov 11, 2005 15:18

21 DAYS!!! Three weeks from today I will be flying into the airport in Chicago!!!

To-Do List - Three Weeks Left

7 things for this weekend
Find a new toning place, sign up for a month, and DO MY SESSIONS
Send PrPt slide with family photos to team member
SHOPPING - need to find purple-y top, SHOES!!!, silk long underwear
Website content
Find those notes! Write those minutes! (Board is meeting MONDAY!!!)
Empty closet (It’ll at least be a start)
Exercise Saturday morning BEFORE haircut appointment (so I won’t use the excuse of “don’t want to mess up nice-looking hair” afterwards)

7 things that I MUST have for the trip, (and currently do NOT)
Electronic plug adapter (from Gramma and Pa)
Gifts for host families (TONIGHT. MUST DO!)
Digital camera (okay, so it’s not required, but I HAVE to have it!)
Brag book (Not even STARTED, what’s wrong with me?)
Luggage locks (also from Gramma and Pa?)
Travelable Hindi phrase book (all the ones I have are from the library)
Folder of financial and essential paperwork (travel insurance, tickets, visa, copies of passport, etc)

7 things I am pondering
What small presents to buy for team members for Christmas?
WHERE can I find a purple-y top? Do I even know what I’m looking for?
When I get new glasses next week, am I going to get regular glasses and prescription sunglasses? Or do I want to get those change with the light kind?
What am I going to wear in our family Christmas pictures next Tuesday?
Can I go to my sister’s ice skating competition AND our team’s presentation rehearsal Sunday afternoon?
How will I change my presentation if we are somewhere and the PowerPoint doesn’t work? (We’re practicing both versions on Sunday -I have to really be ready this time)
Where are those stupid notes from the last board meeting?

india, to-do list, india trip, preperation, countdown, gse

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