Speaking of The Black Donnellys...

Mar 06, 2007 11:56


Okay, that was ...

a) FUN - I giggled a lot!
b) DARK - I was kinda creeped out!
c) Really, really BOTH. Like, I feel incredibly bipolar in my reactions to this episode.

I have more but I don't have time.

Except to say - what is UP with the worrywort, dark-haired, younger brothers attending institutions of higher education and prone to fits of exasperation, emo, and the wearing of layers, being so incredibly **RIPPED** underneath all that?

Was NOT expecting that.

And the web-only episode is being released online today, right?

Am I the only one who is a little leary of what might be involved for Standards and Practices to be all "You wanna jellify a day-old corpse with a sledge hammer? Sure! Go right ahead! Have fun, boys!" and then (allegedly) ixnay this right after?

the black donnellys, tv, episode reactions, ?

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