Being Grown-Up Stinks.

Mar 06, 2007 11:53


Due to making mature and responsible decisions (like working and spending time with family and going to bed at a halfway-decent hour) I have yet to see any of last night’s television except for The Black Donnellys.

And because I am STILL choosing to act so blastedly proper, - delayed gratification and all that - I will not be able to remedy this in the near future.

**Spoil me and I will unleash a wrath upon you of absolutely biblical proportions.**

Fire and brimstone, the works.

I will also be avoiding livejournal until after viewing because I did NOT take this precaution two weeks ago after missing VMars and was spoiled by one Michael Muhney himself in an uncut-post the morning after.

That is all.

P.S. Totally wasn't kidding about the wrath. There won't be enough of you left to salt-and-burn.

my life, veronica mars, my tv, real life, busy, tv, cranky, vmars, flist

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