Drabble: Life's Luxuries (ADAD #32!)

Jun 01, 2014 17:21

Title: Life's Luxuries
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 300
Rating: G
Characters: June Ellington, Diana Berrigan, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Sara Ellis, Clinton Jones, Mozzie, Theo Berrigan, Satchmo
Genre: Drabble, gen, friendship
Notes: I'm not sure I can stop! For whitecollar100's Challenge 10 - Home.
Summary: June truly appreciates the finer things in life.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I don't have a freezer just for gelato yet.

"Are you absolutely sure you don't mind?"

"Call at any time of the day or night, dear." June patted Diana's hand. "I remember being a new mother."

"Well, thank you. I really don't know where else to turn, sometimes." Diana smiled gratefully. With the hand that wasn't gently rocking Theo's baby carrier, she waved at the rest of the dining room. "I certainly can't ask this crew."

The older woman's gaze followed Diana's gesture, and she smiled. Happy chaos filled the room, cheerfully overwriting decades of the stately formality and grandeur it had been designed for.

At one end of the polished table, Elizabeth and Sara were talking a mile a minute, deep into a discussion of art, shoes, and general gossip. At the other, Peter sat hunched over his smartphone with Clinton Jones, trying to discreetly watch the Yankees game. Every few minutes, both men would start to shout, then stop sheepishly when they remembered where they were.

Neal and Mozzie were-naturally-thick as thieves. They stood in low-voiced conversation by the sideboard, ostensibly discussing the wine, but more likely to be plotting something. From time to time, Peter dragged his attention from the screen and shot a suspicious look in their direction.

Underfoot, Satchmo and Bugsy played some exuberant doggy game that involved much scrabbling of claws and a certain amount of drool. The parquet would never be the same.

The scene would have horrified, say, the ladies of June's symphony fundraising committee...

...but tonight, instead of a big, empty mansion, she had a big, noisy home. She knew which one she preferred.

Beside her, Diana stood up. "It's probably time to take Theo home," she said.

"But we'll see you next week?"

"Of course! Your Sunday dinners are wonderful."

June sighed contentedly.

"I like them, too."

character: diana berrigan, exercise: a drabble a day, character: clinton jones, character: elizabeth burke, character: peter burke, rating: g, genre: friendship, white collar, character: june ellington, character: satchmo, genre: genfic, character: neal caffrey, character: sara ellis, character: mozzie, character: theo berrigan, genre: drabble

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