Title: It Takes a Crook
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 200
Rating: G
Characters: Diana Berrigan, Peter Burke, Mozzie, Theo Berrigan
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For the extended A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and
whitecollar100's Challenge 191 - Excite.
Summary: Mozzie is surprisingly good with children.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I don't have a Madeline au Truffe yet.
The hardest part about being a female FBI agent, in Diana's opinion, was not the Bureau's boys-club culture, occasional casual misogyny, or even the glass ceiling.
No, the hardest part was chasing suspects...while wearing heels. The sprain was quite nasty.
"One damn crack in the pavement," she complained. She was already fed up with being stuck on her couch.
Peter nodded sympathetically, putting down the casserole El had sent him with. "But you'll be up and about in a couple of days."
A wail from the next room was followed an instant later by Mozzie rushing through from the kitchen, a soft cloth draped over one shoulder. He was carrying both a bottle and a pacifier.
"And at least you have help," Peter said, somewhat doubtfully. "So, er...still no luck finding another nanny?"
"None. And the crazy thing is, I'm not sure I have the heart to replace Mozzie." Diana waved helplessly towards the nursery. Theo's crying had already transformed to happy coos. "I swear, Theo gets excited every time that little crook walks through the door. I must be raising him wrong."
"Well, no. But...once he's walking, you might want to keep him away from lockpicks..."