Jun 15, 2008 19:35
My excuse for not updating yesterday was that I was extremely sick. I haven't felt that bad in a long time. Even the Saturday following my Week from Hell wasn't as bad as yesterday was. I'm glad i felt better when i woke up this morning as there was no way I could have shown up late to work (or called out sick) after what happened on Friday.
My dad's back in the house and has been since Friday evening, but they're fighting again, so I'm not really sure what's going on.
The second draft of my screenplay is "due" in about two weeks, and I still haven't made any changes. I've also had Rosalind's story for well over a week and haven't said anything about it. I haven't even read more than the first page. Plus my library books would be about a week and a half overdue had the woman at the counter managed to check them out properly. I've got to start doing something; I've just been sitting in the house doing absolutely nothing. It's really quite pathetic.
Juan, one of the cooks at the pool, stepped on and broke my presidents cup. I've been using that since Memorial Day. I accidentally left it at work on Friday, and when I got back today, Jennifer found it and showed it to me. At first she thought Jalisia or Devonne or someone had broken it, but then Juan said he did it, so she couldn't yell at him.
I'm watching "School of Rock" right now, and it's rather irritating. I'm so tired of shows and movies that make it out like you're nothing if you value intelligence and good grades. No, that's not all there is to life, but there's no need to put down those who do value those things. It's like in "The West Wing" when they're talking about how some people are put off by the president's being some New Engand elitist. Why isn't that what we want from a president? Why shouldn't we want a president who's smarter than we are? This is a man (or, hopefully some day, a woman) who will be in charge of everything; shouldn't s/he be smart? We've seen what Bush is like: surely no one in his right mind would wish for something like that again.