Thor (movie-verse) "Strategy and Preparations" part 6 of Mischief and Tasers

Jun 17, 2011 14:23

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Strategy and Preparations
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki, slight (and eventual) Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: (4 x 300) 1,200 total
Genre: Drama
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "tutorial" for fanfic_bakeoff, and all four short ficlets can stand on their own. Part 6 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Darcy discovers a way to sense Loki's presence, and Loki prepares to pose as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent to get close to her.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Six: Strategy and Preparations

When Darcy found Jane that night, as usual she was glued to her computer screen fixing the tampered calculations on her research from yesterday. From what Jane told her at lunch, she was making significant progress; the revisions were just taking a long time because the data entry was often tedious, and Jane had to be very meticulous at what information to actually fix.

Darcy still felt horrible about it. It was partially her fault, anyway, whether it was because she was too dead tired to realize there had been an intruder, or because she knew it had to be Loki and she still hadn’t been able to tell her mentor about his presence.

Darcy frowned, watching Jane from the kitchen. Yeah...why was that?

Staring in a daze at Jane, a sudden idea struck her. Darcy bounded to the computer and grabbed Jane’s arm. Jane started, looking bewildered and annoyed by the interruption.

“Come on, break time,” Darcy said to her sweetly, pulling her lightly and grinning at her, trying to ease Jane’s mood.

“Darcy, I can’t,” Jane said, practically panicking at the mere thought of leaving her work.

“Seriously, I’m going to teach you to have some fun. It’ll relax you and then you’ll be fresh for work again,” Darcy pleaded, giving Jane the puppy face. “Give me two hours.”

“Two hours?” Jane huffed.

“Delivery pizza and two episodes of Enterprise,” Darcy cooed at her. Jane couldn’t refuse Star Trek; it was her kryptonite. Darcy caught a thin smile crack onto Jane’s face.

“Well, okay... but the pizza has to be...”

“Hawaiian, I know.” Darcy snorted. “There’s something really wrong with tropical fruit on pizza,” she muttered, and Jane rose from her chair and playfully jabbed Darcy on the arm.

“Well, let the lesson in fun begin!”


Darcy yawned, and she shifted slightly on the couch, realizing she was missing Jane’s warmth next to her. Apparently the both of them had dozed through the second episode of Enterprise, but Jane had woken up some time ago and was back at her laptop.

Knowing better than to bother her, Darcy left Jane alone, and she turned to the TV, still on the SyFy channel even though Enterprise was over. Darcy squinted at the show on now, which seemed to be a Ghost Hunters episode. She’d seen this show before, found it pretty dull normally, but lately it seemed to be appropriate.

But Loki’s not a ghost, she thought. That was well confirmed in the beginning. However, he was a “presence”, unwanted even, and maybe there was something science could do about detecting him (and kicking him square in the balls for his trouble, Darcy thought).

Darcy watched the ghost hunter on the TV show talk about equipment, and her interest piqued when they started talking about a device that helped find indications of the paranormal. It was called a KII EMF Reader, and as the hunter explained, it was sensitive at picking up erratic and unexplained electromagnetic fields within an area, and a high spike in an often low-level man-made electromagnetic field might be indication that something else was there.

Consequently, she was sure that in all the equipment Jane kept in the storage cabinets there had to be one of these KII EMF readers. Tomorrow she would definitely go looking for one, and then experiment with it around the physics building.

Grinning, Darcy almost jumped out of her seat with glee. If not for this discovery and small tutorial, she may have missed the chance to really do something about her Loki problem. Now, she had hope.


His doppelgangers were regularly reporting back to him on Erik’s progress in studying the Cosmic Cube, so Loki found the perfect chance to finally infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D and pose as one of their agents. He’d done it before, but nothing more than a shadow to blend in while his brother was being held captive not so long ago. He rather liked that look, with the long black jacket and green striped scarf; however, this time would be different. He had to be careful - with the perfect disguise, a flawless background and an identity that wouldn’t raise suspicion.

He realized that fooling Darcy wasn’t going to be easy either. Even though she didn’t know what he looked like, he still didn’t want to spook her.

Of course, showing up out of nowhere just when she’d become aware of him may be pushing things. He’d have to handpick some S.H.I.E.L.D agent and assume his identity - casting a spell that made those who ever knew this person remember him with Loki’s face instead.

He had to pick the right person who could easily get close to Darcy, away from Jane’s notice.

Loki had observed the agents’ behavior at the site before, and most of them ignored Darcy. A few would gaze at her, turn away disinterested, and then go on with their work.

“But I won’t,” he said, as he stood in front of a S.H.I.E.L.D computer and started needling through their files, and searching for agents assigned to Jane Foster. Most of them were scientists, and a couple of others were technicians who instructed Jane and her assistant on how to use Stark equipment.

Loki finally stopped the screen, settling on one agent whose identity he would take.

“Agent Tom Hill,” he said grinning. “It’s time you took a little vacation.”


Before Jane had left her trailer, Darcy tiptoed around the physics building toward the storage lockers in the back room.

Remembering what the KII device looked like on the TV show, Darcy easily found a pile of them in the first shelf of the far end cabinet. She picked one up, prayed that it worked (and that it was easy to use), and headed back to her bedroom before Jane suspected she was even back there.

While Darcy was testing it out in her room, she heard Jane starting coffee in the kitchen. Frowning, Darcy didn’t see anything out of the ordinary on the KII’s readings, so she switched it off and moved ahead to meet Jane.

“Big day today,” Jane said, handing Darcy the Happy Bunny coffee mug. Her favorite, which said: “I know how you feel. I just don’t care.” Darcy seemed to think it fit her sometimes.


“S.H.I.E.L.D is sending some new agents out to the site today. They’re giving us new equipment,” Jane said, and she looked almost giddy.

“Think we’ll have a Tony Stark sighting?” Darcy asked, smirking.

“Is it Tony Stark or Iron Man you want to see?” Jane asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Either or is fine,” Darcy said with a light shrug, and she grunted after a sip of coffee. “Hey, does that mean the S.H.I.E.L.D agents will actually talk to me?” she asked sardonically. Jane pursed her lips and shook her head.

“They’re going to have to,” Jane answered, and she poured herself another cup. She smiled brightly. Wow, Darcy thought. She was giddy. “Darcy, you’re going to get your own special trainer on the equipment today.”

Darcy rolled her eyes. “Oh, joy,” she drawled. “I hope it’s a he.” Jane looked exasperated as Darcy added, “And I hope he’s cute.”

Part Seven

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, fanfic bakeoff, thor

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