Thor (movie-verse) "Substitute Teacher" part 7 of Mischief and Tasers, Loki/Darcy

Jun 22, 2011 11:32

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Substitute Teacher
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki (disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D agent Tom Hill), eventual Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,465
Genre: Drama
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "031. Thank you three times" for 100_fairytales. Part 7 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki, disguised as Agent Tom Hill, trains Darcy on the new equipment and later asks her out.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Seven: Substitute Teacher

Darcy hated the S.H.I.E.L.D agent who was training her. He was a loud-mouth, self-important ass, and he was just the kind of person she readily avoided throughout high school and college.

Only she couldn’t avoid him this time, not with Jane counting on her to use this equipment.

Why did she have me as her backup in case she got sick or something? Darcy asked herself. She knew Jane trusted her, but she didn’t know if she really deserved it, not with Loki still lurking around them in the shadows. Darcy appreciated it though, and she knew once she graduated college she didn’t even need to look for a job. She had one with Jane immediately, and S.H.I.E.L.D had seen to that right away.

I guess it pays to know a lot of government secrets, Darcy said, snorting as she remembered how her friends on Facebook begged her to tell her the projects that were keeping her away from the usual parties at college. If only they knew… The downside was she was drifting away from her friends significantly. It was very lonely, even if she did get a great friend out of Jane Foster.

Agent Hallas was teaching her something again on the new Stark equipment, and Darcy tried to pay attention, but he just had one of those voices that made your ears bleed where she couldn’t quite concentrate on her tasks.

It didn’t help that the jerk already assumed she was an idiot and felt the need to tell her three times how to use something, or even input something, like she was in grade school or something. Really?

So Darcy listened. She thanked him a couple of times in a mocking, sweet voice that seemed to unnerve him more (but was kind of hilarious), and when she understood the task, and Hallas felt he needed to repeat it, she imagined his head being hit by a bolt of lightning. Then Thor would come down from the heavens and sweep her off her feet, let her squeeze his muscles and fix her breakfast in bed. Ah, it was a nice dream. (She dared never to tell Jane, of course.)

“Are you even listening?” Hallas snapped at her, and Darcy nodded her head vigorously but flipped him off under the table.

“Agent Hallas, I am sorry to interrupt, but there seems to have been a mix-up,” a smooth voice behind them rang out. Hallas turned around annoyed and looked up into the face of possibly the hottest guy out of the whole lot of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Darcy tried not to gape.

“Sorry, Agent…Hill was it? What sort of mix-up is that?” Hallas furrowed his brow.

Darcy froze. Agent Hill was staring right at her when he answered his fellow agent. If he wasn’t so gorgeous (with dark hair and large green eyes, and the long black coat helped too) it could have been creepy. Darcy prayed she didn’t drool.

“It seems I was assigned to train Ms. Lewis instead. You’re supposed to shadow Agent Lynn as a back-up, in case Jane Foster needs your expertise on the security defaults,” Agent Hill said. Immediately, Agent Hallas stood up and banged his hand on the table with a sigh.

“Thank you, God,” he said relieved. He didn’t even look at Darcy as he mocked her once more. “It’s like teaching a kindergarten class over here. Excuse me, Agent Hill.”

Darcy stood up too to go after Agent Hallas, and she wished Jane would have let her bring her taser with her. Well, she wasn’t allowed to have any weapons on the site with S.H.I.E.L.D agents around. Stupid Agent Coulson. What did he know anyway? Still, Darcy could probably beat the crap out of Hallas just the same. Before she could march toward him, Agent Hill put up his hand. Darcy looked up and met his smile. He was patient and gracious, but Darcy could see a storm in his eyes.

“He’s a cad, but not worth damaging your knuckles over, Ms. Lewis,” Agent Hill said.

Darcy bit her lip, nodding when she couldn’t argue with him. He was right. She really didn’t want to bust a nail over an asshole like Hallas. It made sense why they never acknowledged her, if most of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents saw her as Hallas did. So what was Hill’s story then?

“Thanks, I think,” she said, not knowing if she thanked him for stopping her or for getting rid of Hallas.

“No need to thank me. I’m just following orders,” he said, still smiling at her. Wow, he really has a nice smile. And nice eyes, and for a svelte guy, Darcy could guess he had a healthy frame underneath that suit. (And she couldn’t help it; Darcy desperately wanted to see under that suit.)

“Now, shall we get started? As they say, the student is only as good as his teacher.”

His smile was contagious, and Darcy felt a little flutter in her stomach as Agent Hill looked at her. She plopped down in the seat next to him, and as they turned to the computer screen, she accidentally brushed against his knee.

For Darcy, that still wasn’t close enough to him.


“I think you’ve quite got the hang of this, Ms. Lewis. It is evident that Agent Hallas is an incompetent tool and did not really see your potential,” Agent Hill said to her with a side glance. Darcy beamed at him.

“Piece of cake, Agent Hill,” she said, grinning at him and leaning closer. “Hey, what’s that accent of yours? Are you from London?”

He smiled. “Something like that, but more north.”

Darcy sighed. Damn, that accent is fine, and he’s so charming, she thought. “Could you…say ‘He’s an incompetent tool’ again? I like the way your accent makes it…I don’t know… seem more awesome,” she asked teasingly.

Agent Hill looked around, making sure his comrades weren’t listening and he leaned close, so close that Darcy felt a hitch in her throat. Breathe, she told herself smartly. “Agent Hallas is an incompetent tool…and…” Darcy heard his smooth tone drop lower. “Meet me for coffee, tonight.”

“Coffee?” Darcy breathed out. “Uh…”

“If you think that’s too forward…” He backed away, and Darcy grabbed his arm, quickly releasing it when he seemed startled.

“Um, no, I want to! Definitely. I’m just shocked that anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D would…ask,” she stammered.

“Well, I’m asking,” he said smoothly. Darcy was pretty sure her heart stopped for a whole four seconds. “Now let’s go,” he said, looking around the camp as everyone was leaving, packing up trucks and moving around sensitive equipment. “We’re done for the day, and I really need some coffee…” He stood up and Darcy realized she’d never get tired of his smile. “And company. Do you know how boring some of these S.H.I.E.L.D agents are?”

Darcy licked her lips and smirked. She tossed her hair flirtatiously. “I can only imagine.” And she took his hand when he offered it to her. They began walking toward Agent Hill’s car when Darcy heard Jane’s voice.


She turned around. “Oh! Jane, this is Agent Tom Hill.”

“Oh yeah, I met you,” she said, furrowing her brow and meeting his eyes. Agent Hill shook her hand immediately. “Nice to meet you. Stealing my assistant?”

“Only for coffee,” he answered, but Darcy could see in his eyes that he was open for more. And hot damn, so was she.

Jane waved her hand and giggled. “Oh, please, don’t worry! You have fun. I have to do those revisions to my work anyway.” Jane looked at Darcy and her brow rose slightly with implication. “You deserve some time off, right Darcy?”

Darcy could kiss Jane, but she grinned like a loon instead, mouthed a ‘thank you’, and then scuttled off on Agent Hill’s arm. He even opened the passenger door for her. (Okay, marry me now? She thought.) And he sped them off toward the center of town.

As he drove, Darcy tried not to stare at him. He made small talk with her; though, he kind of drove like a maniac but seemed to do it just as smoothly as the way he talked.

Am I dreaming? She thought, wondering what the hell this man was on to be looking at her, of all people. Wow, he must really be lonely.

Darcy braved a glance toward him, and almost serendipitously, their eyes met instantly. She smiled meekly at him, and he looked away with another mysterious smirk.

There was something about him, like she’d seen him before. Maybe in her dreams? It was possible, she surmised. If that was the case, maybe meeting him was somewhat meant to be, like she had been waiting for him for far too long.

Part Eight

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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