Inuyasha, "The Third" Inuyasha/older!Rin, rated PG

Jun 14, 2011 11:48

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: The Third
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Characters/Pairings: Inuyasha/older!Rin
Warnings: character death mention, post-series canon.
Notes: Written for the "lavish" theme at iyissekiwa. Winner Third Place.

Summary: Her affection for him is quite simple.

That morning he hovers over her, watching her, with dark hair billowing out from underneath her head in their bedding. Her closed eyes slowly open as she rouses under the intensity of his golden stare. She looks up, meets his gaze and smiles at him - so innocent, so unconditional in her love for him. Inuyasha doesn’t know how she ever came to feel this way about him; moreover, after everything that’s happened, he wonders if he deserves it.

Despite all of Sesshoumaru’s lavish gifts, the orphan girl Rin comes to him, even when his loneliness seems only sated by a woman from the future whose bones are buried in a soil that exists long before her birth.

Now. It must be a sickness, to go to one woman and then to another, he thinks, as he idly claws his fingers through her hair. She grabs his hand, and he pauses as she rubs his palm against her soft cheek.

“Rin,” he breathes, and she’s already leaning toward him for a kiss. Her small lips graze against his mouth and he moans, hungrily seeking her warmth.

It all seems so simple. Rin chose him, but she does not ask for anything more than his love. Inuyasha gives it, not only to feed the curse of his perpetual loneliness, but also to stoke the ire of his brother.

His brother gets everything he deserves, he thinks, but Rin’s heart, so simple and so human, belongs to Inuyasha in the end.

rin, inuyasha/rin, challenge, inuyasha

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