Unnatural History, "Caught In-Between" ch.16, rated R/M

Jan 17, 2011 15:33

Fandom: Unnatural History
Title: Caught In-Between
Chapter Title: 16: Heart to Heart
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R/M (subject to change)
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters/Pairings: Henry/Maggie, Jasper/Maggie, & Jasper/Henry
Warnings: polyamory, UST in later chapters.
Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Unnatural History. I only borrow and play.
Notes: In progress. OT3 fic, with mature situations. (Once completed I'll post to the UnH comm here at LJ.)

URLS: FFnet | AO3

Story Summary:As a strange heat wave hits DC, the gang becomes involved in a mystery that enhances their feelings for one another, with a new fertility artifact as a possible cause. Henry x Maggie x Jasper. In-progress.

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Chapter Sixteen - Heart to Heart

Jasper found his cousin tapping on his drums on the roof outside their window that night after school. Henry stopped and turned around as soon as he realized Jasper was hovering, and Jasper gave him a nervous smile as he fidgeted under his gaze.

“Hey, um, listen...Maggie and I are going on a date tonight,” he said and let out a cough. “If that’s okay...”

Henry’s brow knitted together. “You don’t have to ask for my permission, Jasper.”

“I know,” he said quickly. “I just wanted to be a good friend and make you aware of it.” Henry nodded as Jasper began to bow out. “Okay, see you later.”

Jasper could feel Henry watching him as he took a few minutes to get ready for his date, and when he felt his cousin resume playing on his drums, he wondered what in the world could be going through Henry Griffin’s head because no normal guy would let another guy take his girl out - not even if he was family.


Jasper had no real plans for their date tonight. He withdrew some money from his savings for dinner, but he figured a quiet walk in the park that evening was a good start, especially since they had so much to talk about.

When he arrived at Maggie’s house, he felt an unusual nervousness overcome him. He’d been to her house loads of times before then, but this time was different. He wasn’t coming here to study or to go over some meticulous plan to help out in one of Henry’s adventurous schemes. He’d dreamt of times where he’d come to Maggie’s for a date, she’d open the door and smile at him adoringly, looking amazing and leaving him breathless, and then usually dinner was a haze before his fantasies jumped instantly to making out and more.

Jasper sighed, trying to loosen the tightness in his shoulders. He only had to ring the doorbell once before Maggie answered. She opened the door widely and smiled anxiously. He looked over her shoulder into the darkness of her house, seemingly empty if not for the one yellow light on in the living room.

“Hey, come in,” she said. He followed her inside and looked around cautiously.

“Where are your parents?” Jasper was actually looking forward to seeing the Winnocks. Her father would joke around with him, and her mother always eased the tension when her dad got suspicious of his intentions toward Maggie. Usually, if he was with Henry, their parents loosened up. Surely two high school boys were less than a threat than one? Also, they knew Henry’s parents well and tended to favor Henry’s reputation over Jasper’s. He frowned a little at the thought.

“They’re at a conference in Cape Canaveral this weekend,” Maggie said, and her brow furrowed when she caught his expression. “What’s wrong?”

Jasper slightly hesitated before answering her. “It feels strange, coming here like this.”

Maggie sighed. “You don’t have to tell me about it being strange. This whole mess with the artifact was odd. Then me and Henry,” she said, catching his gaze. “And now me and you.”

Jasper moved closer to her as they hovered in the living room. “Do you really think the artifact is what did this; that it made us open up?” Jasper looked away from her intense gaze. “I’ve liked you for so long, Maggie, but when we became friends, I didn’t want to ruin things between us. I liked how close we’d become.”

“I personally don’t believe the artifact had anything to do with this, but maybe the supposed nature of it was a catalyst,” Maggie said pointedly. “Though Henry seems to think it’s more than that. Maybe his reaction is the springboard in all this.”

“Henry,” Jasper said. “You know, ever since he arrived here I have become...protective of you. I know you guys have gotten close.” He scrunched his brow. “Though I can’t say I’d ever see him as your type.”

Maggie’s brow rose slightly and she smiled. “There was a time I didn’t think so either. I mean, I care about Henry deeply, and his skills are impressive.” She laughed lightly. “He can be weird and gross sometimes, though.”

Jasper noticed her smile and nodded in agreement.

Maggie tilted her head. “Look, we don’t have to talk about Henry anymore or the artifact,” she said, touching his arm. Quickly he put his hand over hers. “Tonight is just about us.”

“Yeah, I know, but despite what happens tonight, Henry is still a part of this. I admit, it probably wouldn’t be as easy for me to deal with this if it were anyone else,” he said, scratching his head awkwardly.

“I’m a little surprised myself that you’re being so open about this,” Maggie said. “It’s all my fault that I can’t make a choice.”

“Hey,” he said, reaching up and cupping her cheek. He drew her closer to him and felt her arm brush against his. They leaned against the wall of the dining room and Jasper was becoming far too comfortable in her house that was conveniently absent of her parents. “Don’t blame yourself. We’ll figure it out.”

He leaned toward her, his lips lightly pressing over hers as they melted into rising intimacy. When her tentative lips opened up to him, he kissed her deeply, reveling in her taste and delighting in her warmth. Suddenly, he felt her pulling him over to the couch in the middle of the living room, and with their lips still together, they both fell onto the sofa as Jasper pushed her back against the arm. Maggie’s fingers were in his hair, which was wonderful enough to distract him if it wasn’t for the enjoyable lull of her kiss.

Presently, his thoughts about taking her out had changed. He was content to stay here with her, so they could order pizza, share their thoughts with one another, and take advantage of her absent parents.

Maggie lightly pushed him away, breaking the kiss. He noticed her sultry smile, and she met his eyes with wonder. He saw an eyebrow arch. “You’re better at this than I thought.”

He was about to say, Better than Henry? But he let the thought fade into the ether, and he excitedly leaned forward to kiss her again. She put her fingers over his lips to halt him, and he watched her compose herself with a thought.

“Do you think we can do this?” she asked worriedly, and Jasper paused a beat and realized the context of what “this” was. He was quite confident they could do what his mind (and lower extremities) wanted to do right now on her couch.

Though, he saw her conflicted expression and knew she had been thinking about Henry too. He’d more pissed if he wasn’t guilty of it himself. Oddly enough, things just weren’t right without Henry - with the three of them - together.

Jasper sighed and fell dramatically backward into the cushions of the couch. “Of course we can. I mean, it’s convoluted - unnatural even, but since when have the three of us been involved in anything together that was considered normal?”

“I’m sure Henry has his otherworldly opinion, but I’m wondering if the three of us...” she said and soon hesitated. “I’m afraid of consequences, of the jealousy and mistrust that comes with these types of open relationships.”

“Well, your fears are only natural,” Jasper stated, staring at the ceiling; however, he knew exactly how to console her. He’d been thinking about it since Henry had suggested they try this triumvirate, and it didn’t help that his own persuasion was because of the vivid dreams he’d been having about them. It was ridiculous to attribute this to foresight, but with these weird fertility artifacts creating some kind of havoc on their lives, Jasper wasn’t willing to rule it out.

“Maggie, there’s something you should know,” he said, and he could feel her watching him intensely. He glanced at her and continued with seriousness, “You want to know why I was so accepting of you, Henry and me?” He waited a second and she nodded once, her lips thinning. “I dreamed about it,” he said bluntly, and Maggie looked even more curious (and a little shocked).

“That’s right. I dreamed about us all. At first it was just me and you; just like any normal dream, but then...Henry was there.” His voice trailed off and he could feel his own face burning with embarrassment. “Henry was behind me...kissing me.”

Maggie’s eyes went wide as saucers. “No way...like that? Your cousin?” She swallowed uncomfortably.

Jasper nodded. “Hey, I woke up just as surprised, okay? It’s not something I’d ever actively pursue, but in that moment...I dunno, I felt really loved and accepted. I didn’t feel anything, no jealousy or disgust; everything felt right.”

Maggie was quiet, and it disturbed Jasper. He only hoped he didn’t freak her out. Finally she said, “Well, it’s not like the dream was entirely without merit.”

He turned his head toward her and saw her face turn red too. “I have...had similar dreams, at least...after Henry and I confessed to each other.” She looked away meekly. “Like you, the dreams were only just you and me. They weren’t about Henry until...the artifacts showed up.” Jasper watched her in awe as she continued frantically. “Now, you know me, Jasper. I don’t believe in this stuff. If it can’t be proven by facts or science, I’m always skeptical to accept it.” She leaned back and rested her head against the arm of the chair, stretching her legs over Jasper’s on the couch. “When it comes to my dreams and feelings, science just has no basis.”

Jasper sat up and shifted on the couch over Maggie as she reclined. He hovered over he, and he looked into her eyes and dipped down toward her lips. He drew away slightly and said, “I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”

Maggie arched up and kissed him, this time longer than before. Jasper felt her heat flush against him, and he could hardly contain himself anymore. Henry or not, this really was his time, and he wanted to have Maggie alone just for this moment. She was letting him, and soon, after all confessions were made, hardly another word was said about Henry.

Jasper drew his shirt over his head, and he felt Maggie’s palms on his chest. He leaned over her again, wrapping his arms around her as he consumed her into another kiss.

When her lips pulled away, he began to sense Maggie’s restlessness underneath him.

“Jasper, would you mind another confession?” He was kissing her jaw and down the line of her soft neck.

“Sure,” he said in between kisses. She drew his head away, cupping his cheeks in her hands.

“I always wanted you to be my first,” she said, nuzzling against his nose. Her voice dropped to a whisper and she closed her eyes. “Be my first.”

Jasper froze. He didn’t expect to hear such a revelation, let alone be asked for such an honor. Of course, he’d do anything for Maggie, and though his care for Henry was prevalent in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help be a little smug that Maggie had chosen to bestow this on him rather than his cousin.

Jasper nodded, and he felt Maggie’s warm sigh of relief against him. She giggled a little. “I only bring this up because I was hoping to invite you and Henry over for dinner tomorrow.”

Jasper met her dark eyes again. He didn’t even need to ask. He knew her meaning.

“Wow,” he said in a heavy breath. “I knew you’d be high maintenance, Mags, but this...” She smacked him playfully.

“You! I can take back what I said, you know. I could see if Henry’s around...”

Jasper drew her into a possessive hug. “You don’t have to resort to that. I was only teasing.” He watched her as she began unbuttoning her cardigan, and he felt his mouth go dry. When her blue lacy bra became visible under her shirt, she leaned backward and clicked off the yellow lamp.

“Now isn’t the time for that kind of teasing,” she said softly, kissing him again. His hands fumbled against her, and when he cupped her bare breasts in his hands, he felt rising fulfillment, and all those boyhood dreams of doing precisely this were suddenly coming to fruition.

Nothing could stop Jasper now, and they both moved awkwardly, shedding away their clothes and touching each other, exploring their bodies when they’d been so hazy in their dreams. When they were ready, Jasper nervously retrieved the condom and asked Maggie again if she was ready.

When Maggie settled over him, he held her - keeping control, whispering to her that she only needed to tell him if she felt any pain, and that he would stop immediately. She was strong and brave; it was what Jasper loved about her; through the startling pinch, she found her pleasure, slowly, as Jasper moved within her. He kissed her tears, drowned out her cries, and he filled her delicately - leaving everything up to her arbitrary pace.

Despite her pain, Jasper had never experienced something so amazing, to be this close to Maggie and to feel her all around him. He was impressed with himself, mostly because he was too concern with Maggie’s well-being to lose control, but when she became more comfortable with him, began kissing him again and moving her hips steadily over as she drew him inside, he became excited and overwhelmed and soon found his release.

Maggie looked at him curiously as he slumped against the wall of the couch, and he gave her a contented grin as she slowly moved off him.

He regained his breath quickly, and he held out his hand to her as she moved to clean off the evidence from the couch. (Thankfully Maggie had the foresight to quickly lay down a towel beforehand.)

She returned to him after removing the towel and settled against him. They fell into a comfortable silence for a while, and then she turned to him and kissed his cheek.

“I’ll do better next time, you know,” he said with a wry laugh.

“I know,” she said, giggling again.

He looked at her seriously, and he reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I think you’re right though; next time Henry should be here. I feel like I’m leaving him out of some big, awesome secret when I’m with you and he’s not around.”

Maggie nodded, and she seemed to wear a permanent, contented grin. “See, more and more the idea seems normal, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Jasper said with a goofy smile. “What the heck is wrong with us anyway? We’re just not normal.”

Maggie cuddled closer to him and made a noise of affirmation. “Yeah, completely unnatural. But that’s us, though. It’s useless to deny it.”


maggie, ot3, jasper/maggie, unnatural history, henry, jasper, maggie/henry, caught in between, jasper/henry

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