Unnatural History, "Caught In-Between" Epilogue, rated nc17

Jan 24, 2011 09:44

Fandom: Unnatural History
Title: Caught In-Between
Chapter Title: 17: Epilogue
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: R/M (this chapter is NC17)
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Characters/Pairings: Henry/Maggie, Jasper/Maggie, & Jasper/Henry
Warnings: polyamory, UST.
Disclaimer: Cartoon Network owns Unnatural History. I only borrow and play.
Notes: In progress. OT3 fic, with mature situations. (Once completed I'll post to the UnH comm here at LJ.)

URLS: FFnet | AO3

Story Summary:As a strange heat wave hits DC, the gang becomes involved in a mystery that enhances their feelings for one another, with a new fertility artifact as a possible cause. Henry x Maggie x Jasper.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Seventeen: Epilogue

Jasper left Maggie’s house around two that morning, and when he came home, he saw Henry waiting for him outside the front door.

“I told your dad you and Maggie had a school project due tomorrow, and that you’d be home after you both completed it. He was strangely suspicious, and he tried to stay up but he fell asleep around 11.” Henry saw Jasper visibly relax.

“You were out late though,” Henry noted with a smirk.

“Uh, yeah,” Jasper said, feeling his face turn warm. He didn’t know how he should tell Henry what happened - if he should tell him at all. Instead, Jasper broke up the awkward moment by leaning forward and drawing Henry into a quick hug. Henry chuckled lightly against him.

“What’s this for?” Henry asked.

Jasper stepped lightly as they made their way softly back into the house. He shrugged his shoulders and whispered, “For covering for me.”

When they came up to their room and Jasper quietly closed the door, Henry turned to him. “I’m sure you’d do the same for me.” He sniffed the air, and Jasper began to panic.

Oh crap, what if, with Henry’s odd talent for smelling everything, could smell that?

“Of course, cous, any time,” Jasper said.

“I take it by your hesitance that you’re not going to talk about your date tonight?” Henry inquired.

“Well, if you want to know, I can share, but this whole thing is strange enough for me,” Jasper said scratching his neck awkwardly.

“Hey,” Henry said, approaching him closely. “It’s okay. If you want to keep what happened between you and Maggie private, I can respect that.” Henry paused with a big smile, and Jasper could guess what he was thinking. It wasn’t like he readily offered what happened between him and Maggie when they were hiding their relationship from him.

“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” Jasper said laughing softly. Henry sat next to him on the edge of Jasper’s bed and watched him with a goofy grin.

“I promise you we can make this work,” he whispered. Jasper leaned lightly against Henry’s arm, and he felt Henry’s head on his shoulder. At first, Jasper tensed, remembering his dream, but he was so sated from coming from Maggie’s and the talk they had about him, he let Henry do it. They were quiet for a few seconds before Jasper offered. “You can stay with me tonight if you like.”

Henry slowly sat up and met Jasper’s eyes. Jasper’s face went hot. If Maggie was going to ask them both for dinner tomorrow night, and knowing what could happen, Jasper thought he may have to get used to being up close and personal with his cousin, more so than he ever had before.

“Ah...I don’t understand,” Henry said. He pointed at Jasper’s bed. “Here?”

“Uh, yeah...” Jasper said, swallowing hard. “I mean, I left you all alone tonight, and the reason is wildly uncool under normal circumstances.”

“What you’re proposing isn’t normal either,” he pointed out.

“Dude, I know,” Jasper said with exasperation. “Look, forget it. I’m tired.”

Henry didn’t budge from the bed and stared at him. Jasper avoided his eyes, feeling their weight on him.

“Alright,” Henry said finally. “Give me some room.”

Henry smiled as Jasper checked to see he was sure. Quickly, Jasper scooted over under the covers and offered Henry the left side on the bed. Henry slid next to him, turning off the light and then settling on his side to face Jasper.

He could almost see his cousin grinning at him in the dark.

“I take it you’re getting used to this idea of the three of us?” Henry asked brightly.

“I suppose,” he said gruffly. “Good night, Henry.”

“Good night, Jasper,” and Jasper felt unexpectedly soothed by the effervescence in Henry’s voice.


Henry and Jasper met up with Maggie at school the next day with matching smiling faces, and Maggie looked at them cautiously, trying to sense if anything was off, and if one of them really did have a problem “sharing” her. Both of them seemed serene, and even Jasper beamed brightly with happiness.

“Well, I take it you guys had a good talk last night?” she asked, and an odd feeling rose inside her stomach, and she looked at Jasper while thinking of his dream. She wondered if he finally confessed that to Henry last night.

Not wanting to pry, Maggie left it alone and turned to Henry. “So did Jasper tell you?”

Henry’s brow crinkled.

“You’re both invited over for dinner tonight. Spaghetti squash,” she said, winking at him, and Henry turned to his cousin, playfully offended that he didn’t tell him.

“Ah, I didn’t get a chance to tell him yet, Mags. I kind of got in late last night,” Jasper said, and Maggie felt a flush on her face. She could sense Henry’s stare on her, and her excitement only rose when she thought about what could happen after dinner that night.

“Also, my parents are out of town, so...” She eyed them both flirtatiously. “Stay as long as you like.”

Jasper let out a nervous laugh, and Henry watched her intensely, reading her expression. She winked at them both. “Be there at seven.”

Henry nodded; however, before they could wait for the first bell in comfortable silence, their archrival Hunter walked by and picked up on the strange tension.

“Well if it isn’t the Three Stooges,” he said, and he looked pointedly at Maggie, who was almost sorry for wearing her tight belly shirt and skinny jeans that day. She wore them for Jasper and Henry, and she could care less if anyone else took notice. “Hey, Winnock.” He nodded at her, and Maggie almost groaned at his poor attempt at flirtation with her. “I couldn’t help overhear that your parents are out tonight. Sounds like a good time for a party.”

Maggie tilted her head and crossed her arms. “I already have plans, Hunter, and even if I did, my parents are in the Air Force.” She paused and looked at his smile disappear. “They would know if I had a party and consequences will be dire for everyone involved.”

He seemed angry, and he turned to Jasper and Henry who only watched him with satisfied smiles.

“Oh, but it’s okay to invite cave boy and nerdlett over,” he said. “I see how it is.” He met her eyes again mockingly. “Fine, go have your three-way. You know my number; call me when you decide to be cool.”

He marched off, obviously angry that he had been rejected, and the three of them knew that Hunter wasn’t used to being rejected. Maggie was one of the few girls in the school that wanted nothing to do with him.

Henry grinned approvingly at Maggie. “That was close,” he said. “I would say four is company in his case.”

Jasper let out a strangled sigh, and Maggie and Henry noticed he looked white as a sheet. “You guys, I almost peed myself when he mentioned a three-way,” he hissed at them.

Henry laughed, and Maggie’s brow lifted. “Only because you felt guilty,” she said to him.

“He wouldn’t know what to do with us,” Henry said cheekily, and Maggie and Jasper looked stunned.

“Oh, and you do?” Jasper asked, and by his cousin’s expression, he was almost sorry he asked.

“Well, in my travels, I’ve definitely come across it. As you know, in some cultures, polyamory is perfectly acceptable,” Henry droned, and once again Jasper gaped at him.

“Oh my God, you used that word,” Jasper squeaked. “It sounds horrible coming from you, and I just don’t know why.”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “It’s not any worse than three-way.”

“Maggie’s right, but of course, as our alpha, she is always right,” Henry teased. Jasper made a shrill noise of anxiety as Maggie smirked.

“Alpha...I like that; it totally fits me,” she said happily, and once the bell rang, the two boys fell in step by her side as they headed to class.


For all three of them, the school day seemed to drag as they anticipated the upcoming dinner at Maggie’s house. Jasper had to be careful; he almost fell asleep in English class and barely got out of a detention.

Henry was cited for looking out the window during Ornithology and grinning stupidly. Professor Morneau undoubtedly thought the boy was up to something suspicious again, and Henry had to play it cool as the man followed him around with a keen eye for the rest of the afternoon.

Maggie was, as expected, tense and jittery and she started to hear every bland question that someone asked her as a sexual innuendo.

When the last bell rang, the three of them met at Henry’s locker and sighed collectively as people began filtering out of the halls. Jasper had given his dad a lame excuse that the three of them were going to a concert that night. Conveniently on that Friday night, a battle of the bands was in town, and the music was supposedly so hardcore and vulgar, and as Jasper put it “scary death metal”, that his father wouldn’t think to go anywhere near it to check on them.

Jasper and Henry had stopped home for a few things, sad goodbye to Brian, and they headed on their way to Maggie’s when Jasper had a thought while they were stopped at a traffic light.

“Um...I hate to ask you this really awkward question but...do you have condoms?”

Henry turned to him in attention and said. “How many do you think we’ll need? My parents uh, gave me a box when I moved in with you guys.”

“Your parents?” Jasper asked incredulous. “Gees, I don’t want to even think if my dad did that. We had the sex conversation one time. It was frightening.” Jasper paused. “You know he actually called them ‘rubbers’? I haven’t heard anyone under 30 call them that ever.”

Henry smiled. “I think we’re good. Why? Don’t you have any?”

“Um...” Jasper’s face reddened again. “I used my last ones last night.”

Henry snickered, and Jasper looked at him surprised. “So that’s what you were keeping from me.”

“It’s not like you didn’t smell it on me or something! Don’t lie; you knew,” Jasper said defensively, which only seemed to heighten Henry’s amusement.

“I guessed, but not by smell. I’m not a dog, Jasper,” Henry said, and Jasper laughed anxiously.

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation,” Jasper said, and that moment they had pulled up to the curb in front of Maggie’s house.

Henry met his eyes thoughtfully. “Better to think about it now than later.” He winked at him and inhaled a deep breath. “Now or never.”

Jasper grimaced nervously and put on his most confident face. “Oh, this is happening ...right now.”

When they walked up to the door, it only took one ring of the doorbell and Maggie was there, greeting them with a nervous smile...

And leaving them gob smacked in the blue dress she was wearing. “Come in! Dinner’s almost ready.” She shot them a saucy glance over her shoulder as they followed her inside.


Dinner wasn’t as stilted and awkward as Jasper had thought it would be. It was normal - comfortable; as if they were the best friends they’d always been and hadn’t crossed any lines in their relationship.

Henry and Jasper helped Maggie clean up, and the house was spotless so they didn’t leave any evidence to Maggie’s parents that she had company in the house without their knowledge. Maggie had told her parents that if she were to have friends over, it would be only Jasper and Henry, and thankfully her parents knew them well enough to trust her.

If only they really knew what the three of them were up to now.

Still, Henry and Jasper respected Maggie’s parents and the house she lived in, and they were happy to be meticulous in its upkeep.

Though, as the evening went on, there was no pretense on what was happening. Maggie didn’t even offer to watch a movie with them, and with a strong, confident sigh she took their hands and led them to her bedroom, the same bedroom she had shared only with Jasper the night before.

“You don’t need to ask me to make sure I really want this,” Maggie said, looking at them both as they watched her silently. She started to peel the spaghetti straps of her dress over her shoulders. “I do.”

Henry and Jasper approached her on either side. She shared kisses with them, felt their hands on her, lightly tugging away her clothes as she tried to help with theirs. When she was nude in front of them, she stepped backward and slid onto her bed, waiting for them as she reclined in the middle. She watched, intrigued, as they awkwardly yet quickly removed their clothes and bounced onto the bed to join her.

“I’ve never done this...” She turned to Jasper. “Well, with two instead of one.”

“It’s okay,” Henry said soothingly, tracing his finger down her jaw line. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”

“Yeah, Mags,” Jasper said encouragingly, pulling her into a kiss. “We’re up for anything. Right, Henry?” The two boys stared at each other knowingly, and Henry nodded.

Maggie saw Henry lean in, and he captured her lips as Jasper kissed a trail down her jaw and stopped, sucking at the pulse on her neck. She felt both their hands exploring, with Henry’s hands on her breasts and Jasper’s reaching down to the warmth between her thighs. She gasped out of Henry’s kiss, only to have Jasper catch her into his, and as his fingers slid through her legs below, finding the wet skin, dipping in between the lower lips to find her nub, her thighs squirmed in his grasp, and her body shuddered in pleasure as Henry took one of her breasts into his mouth.

Bursts pleasure erupted all over her body under the tender and myriad touches of both lovers. She hardly thought it was fair, so she dipped her hands down and found them both, hard and bucking against her, and she held them gently at first before she stroked them in an even pace. Both of them breathed heavily in her touch, and she heard Jasper moan in her mouth, and Henry grunted against her flesh.

Henry began to turn her body, and she lost her grip on him. He lifted her leg while she was on her side, and she felt him rubbing against her, his cock seeking her out as Jasper drew away, licking his hands before kissing her again and dipping his head into her breasts. His tongue found a nipple, and as Henry rubbed against her, Maggie arched toward Jasper, still stroking him in her hand. Her free hand found the softness of his balls, and he whimpered as she touched them, and trailed her fingers over the shape.

Before Henry entered her, he stopped them both. He muttered “condoms” against Maggie’s ear, and she nodded. She directed him to the nightstand on his side, and he briefly turned away before he came back with two, one for him and one for Jasper. The three of them paused for a moment as Henry got ready and Maggie told Jasper to wait on his, that she’d still like to touch him before it was his turn. He readily complied, and when Henry pulled up Maggie’s leg again, they fell into each other easily, and Henry finally pushed inside her, moving gently and picking up speed as Maggie turned into Jasper’s deep kiss.

Her mind was a blur as Henry pounded inside her and then finally made a sound of release against her, and when he pulled out, he fell onto his back to rest as his hand lazily touched her. Maggie nodded to Jasper, taking her hand away as he swiftly drew the condom over him. She pushed him on his back and straddled him, drawing him inside her as she began to ride. Henry watched them, turning on his side and staring at them with an intrigued smile. Maggie met his eyes as she bounced on top of Jasper, grinning as she noticed his eyes following the movement of her breasts.

“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Henry whispered, and he heard Jasper sigh next to him as Maggie pulled away. She turned to Henry as Jasper moved to compose himself, and she leaned into Henry for another kiss.

“I could do this every night,” she said.

Jasper laughed weakly, and he took off his old condom as Maggie directed them into position. She moved Jasper on his knees as she took his cock into her mouth, curling her back and lifting her hips as Henry entered her from behind. When he pushed inside her, she almost gagged on Jasper, but she soon found her rhythm, sucking him off as Henry pistoned into her from behind. Soon, the three of them found an even pace, building on a crescendo of pleasure as Maggie was caught in between them. Again and again they tried new ways to delight each other, loving and attending each other beyond boundaries that others just wouldn’t understand.

This was who they were. This was their friendship, and they didn’t know if it could get any better than this.

Of course, Henry and Jasper gave Maggie the most attention, but as she was resting in the middle, she saw Jasper reach over her, a joyful smile on his face as he drew his cousin into a sloppy kiss. Henry laughed as Jasper drew away, and before Jasper could return to Maggie, Henry grabbed Jasper against him, and Maggie felt the room fall into a sultry and tender lull as the two boys moved into a deep, tender kiss. Henry’s hands rested on top of Jasper’s shoulders, and slowly Jasper’s hands framed Henry’s face.

When Henry slowly broke away, Jasper looked at him inquiringly, as if something was dawning on him.

“So that’s why you’re okay with sharing Maggie,” Jasper said, and Henry nodded with a guilty smile. The two of them came down, resting at Maggie’s sides. She watched them both wordlessly as Henry confessed.

“I love both of you, more than I can express in words,” Henry said. “I know I’m strange to you. I was raised all around the world, in places you’ve only read in books; however, I never had best friends like you. And Jasper, I know you’re family, but you’re much more than family to me. No one understands and accepts me as well as you two do.”

Maggie turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. “I think it’s sweet,” she said. “And I love you too.” She made a point to turn to Jasper, nuzzling his nose. “And you as well.”

“Yeah, man, um... you know I love you,” Jasper said, but Henry was waiting for more. “I had a dream about the three of us,” he said sheepishly. “I told Maggie about it last night, but it was a dream about us like this, and even though it weirded me out, you were like this with me too, and I understand it now.” Henry nodded, and the slight tension in the air seemed to fade out of existence. The three of them came together in a tight embrace on Maggie’s bed.

“Maybe it was the fertility artifact,” Maggie said quietly, breaking up the silence. Jasper looked at her shocked, and Henry chuckled.

“I thought I’d never hear those words from your mouth,” Jasper said.

“Me either,” Henry said. “It’s good to know some of us are willing to change.”

“That’s right,” Maggie said, though she couldn’t keep a straight face. She stretched her arms under them and drew them closer to her. “Who knows, anything is possible.”

“I need to record these words somewhere,” Jasper continued teasing her. “The evolution of Maggie Winnock, from skeptic to true believer.”

She smiled sweetly at both of them, not at all bothered by Jasper’s words. “After what happened between us tonight,” she said in husky breath, and she closed her eyes and rested her hands on them. “I’m ready to believe in anything.”

Henry turned and nuzzled his face into her hair, and Jasper curled down and rested his head against her breast. She embraced them, feeling the slide into sleep as Henry and Jasper’s warmth blanketed around her.

Jasper was still against her, out like a light, and when she heard Henry’s contented snore, Maggie finally let go, feeling her dreams enrapture her.


Maggie, Jasper, and Henry walked differently among the halls of Smithson, but no one noticed. They appeared to be extremely close friends, and if rumors were going around, they didn’t hear them, and no one ever really believed such gossip anyway.

As usual, they were involved in new mysteries and adventures again. Thanks to Henry they never got bored with that, and trouble had a way of attracting him, as Jasper and Maggie were automatically dragged into it as well. They didn’t mind, but it was becoming a habit for them regardless.

Sometimes they’d get free moments while they huddling in corners away from bad guys, and they would steal kisses from each other. Sometimes, Henry and Maggie would take the long way home after their shifts in the DOUM rooms, or Jasper would spend time with Maggie while they waited for Henry to get out of detention for setting off one of the professors. (Morneau more than the others.)

Hunter sometimes teased them, but he avoided them for the most part. He soon realized the three of them were too strong together, and no flimsy taunts could bother them or take them down. They were together so much that outsiders could barely wedge inside their group, and if they could, it was never for too long. They were too involved with each other, sometimes so much that they didn’t notice the rest of the world.

Sometimes Jasper and Maggie stole glances and held hands in the halls. Sometimes, on the lawn of the park, Maggie flirted with Henry as he rested his head in Jasper’s lap.

If anyone thought it was odd, they didn’t say anything, not to them personally anyway. True love, even among three, was undoubtedly strange, and though the rest of the world might not understand it, to Maggie, Jasper, and Henry, outside opinion, in their case, was really of no consequence.


maggie, ot3, jasper/maggie, unnatural history, henry, jasper, maggie/henry, caught in between, jasper/henry

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