Inuyasha, "Thinking the Worst" Sango/Miroku

Jan 19, 2011 08:47

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Thinking the Worst
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Genre: General/Humor
Universe: CU. Post-manga.
Notes: Written for the "Smile" prompt for mirsan_fics.

Summary: Miroku is grinning; Sango thinks the worst.

When Sango returned to the front of their house, Miroku was smiling.

She didn’t trust that smile, not for a moment. She’d been married to him long enough to know his looks. This one spoke only of trouble. His lips were thin and wide, and his expression was so cheerful his eyes closed into devious slits.

At first, she thought the worst. She couldn’t help it. Perhaps Miroku was hiding something; he did something bad, something she wouldn’t approve of where a fight was inevitable. It could be her worst fear.

(Not another woman. Couldn’t be - even though it seemed they were getting younger and prettier than her by the day.)

“What are you smiling about?” Her tone was slightly biting. She’d probably regret it.

“You’ll see,” he said beaming, and the way he was hovering in front of the door, she knew the revelation was inside.

Sango cautiously dipped inside, only to be surprised at the silence. While she was gone at the hot spring with Kagome, Miroku had successfully put the children to sleep. (They’d been a terror all day, which was why Sango had left to relax in the spring in the first place.)

“Amazing,” she said, turning to him. He looked at her, perhaps awaiting an apology for her terrible thoughts. Instead of charitable satisfaction, she pursed her lips into a cheeky grin herself. “So you can be useful, Houshi-sama.”

By her husband’s fading smile, she realized that wasn’t quite the reaction he had wanted.

miroku, miroku/sango, sango, inuyasha

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