Title: snowflakes Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Rating: G Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance Word Count: 1,858 Characters/Pairings: Quinn, Tina (Quinn/Tina) Summary: She's always had notions and ideas about love and what it should be like. And then Tina Cohen-Chang throws a wrench into her carefully thought out plans.
Welcome to quinntina, the shipping community for Quinn Fabray and Tina Cohen-Chang.
» RULES1. This community focuses on the shipping of Quinn Fabray and Tina Cohen-Chang, therefore all posts need to be related to those topics
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Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (Epilogue) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: NC-17 Word count: 6,770 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (17/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: NC-17 Word count: 2,570 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (16/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: NC-17 Word count: 5,554 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (15/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: PG-13 Word count: 2,511 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (14/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: NC-17 Word count: 7,439 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (13/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: PG-13 Word count: 5,290 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.
Title: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (12/17) Author: wanderinghope & thechroniclady Pairings/Characters: Quinn/Tina Rating: R Word count: 7,601 Spoilers: none Summary: When paired together for their winter break Glee assignment, Quinn and Tina had no idea what they were getting into.