Not so big in Japan >.>;

Oct 02, 2009 20:02

I'm...currently in Japan now... can't post any pics yet cuz phone dieded and I can't use my charger cuz it's msian made...

Other than that, currently feeling 70% regret and 30% satisfied about coming to Japan. Have yet to experience their culture. Way too many shitty things happened today thanks to someone, and fell asleep out of tiredness from 1pm to 6pm. By the time I woke up it was very dark already. Tried to have a walk outside to go to a konbini store but the minute I stepped out I hardly saw any lights was on @_@. I was told that the place I'm currently living in is supposed to be a pretty busy place, but I guess Japanese people goes to sleep/rest early. Only walked around 200 meters around the area before turning back cuz I had a feeling that Sadako was going to creep out any seconds from behind the residence's walls. Brrr... Did I mentioned that my place was similar to those houses in fatal frame? All traditional looking with hundreds of sliding doors? :P

Oh yeah, note to self... ALWAYS BRUSH UP MY JAPANESE BEFORE COMING HERE. It's true that Japanese ppl are a friendly lot, but the minute I spoke to them in English, they go NONONONONONONONO and ignores you. =3=;
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