What is with girls and getting married?

May 30, 2009 13:50

Why is it that, some of my friends, the minute they graduated, all they could think of is getting fucked up by guys married that they're willing to risk everything they've worked for?

I can understand some who's already together for a couple of years, maybe they have met their soulmates. But it annoys the crap out of me that some of my friends met some strangers on the net for less than a week since graduating, and they're telling me they're going to get married too. Seriously?

I asked them have they told their parents that they're getting married, and they said no, they haven't. I asked them another question, have they met that guy yet? And they tell me, well, they've send pictures of themselves. And then I asked them again, when are they going to meet them then? They said soon, but currently they're planning their marriage. WTF seriously WTF? How can you guys plan a marriage without consulting your parents or even meeting that anon face to face??

Then there's this friend, who's going to get a double eyelid surgery right after graduation. She told me before she was getting it a year after she worked since she needed to collect money first. So I asked her, what's the rush? She told me she met this 'cool' guy on the net, and this guy wants to find the perfect girl soon and marry her, and currently, this guy is going to choose from either her or another girl he's been contacting through the net, and now he wants to meet both of them and choose who is the prettiest. I asked her, did he literally said he was going to choose the prettier one? And she told me yes... Wow, a 'cool' guy on the net told you he wants to choose between you and another girl to wed by judging who's prettier?

I can't even be sarcastic about this matter since they have been my good friends for more than 4 years, but I seriously hope they'd reconsider or regret their decisions soon. It's kinda a waste to study all the way to degree level but in the end your ultimate ambition is to be the perfect housewife. Same goes to couples who get marry almost instantly the minute they've graduated. It's pretty apparent their parents are the one paying for the wedding ceremonies and not themselves, and secondly, they're hinking through the troubles they'd face once they have children and dual career problems.
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