
May 01, 2009 02:06

I've unofficially graduated..... still have some exams to finish, but the worst part is over. No more FINAL YEAR PROJECT. No more course projects, no more assignments, absolutely nothing to worry about anymore (xcept for the exams, but to hell with that *_*);

So now that I am a certified unemployed graduate (aka kerja menanam anggur), I hope to use this 6 months of unemployment period into good use. There's the desire to go roadtrippin around asia, but I'm gonna hafta find some temporary jobs before I can do anything. Possibly easy jobs that can earn me around 90-100 a day or try to work in kino maybe. I know I have a degree now that I've graduated, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to work as a while-coller employee yet... I still need my honeymoon period...lol. Worse come to worse Ima ask lynling if she's got any more vacancy at her workplace..hurm..Any recs? I'd appreciate it :P
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