May 15, 2007 10:04
So, I bust my ass off at the Preschool for a B+. I bust my ass off for a B in LS560. I get a B in SE250, which is the only grade I feel I deserve. At least I get a B+ in the preschool and don't have anyone telling me I've cheated, which I did because I had no idea what "creativity" was and kinda saw what Jaclyn wrote on her exam.
It's frustrating because I went in there four hours AFTER dan dumped me (I got home at 3am after he dumped me and woke up at 7am) and then taught four hour and a half hours WITH CRAMPS. Then, I went in every day during my tumultuous relationship with Dan and post-break up. I know I deserved an A- and I'm sure they're going to come up with some story about my grades where I miss it by 2 points or something. I know that I worked hard this semester and once again I feel disappointed but I'm really really trying to not give a shit anymore because people don't understand how our B's and B+ are hard to get and A- and A's are nearly impossible.
Every semester I say I'm not going to give a shit and I always wind up giving a shit. Well, I'm not going to give a shit. For as much as I hate Dan's shitty worth ethic (he doesn't have one) he's got a point. Fuck.
Anyway, yesterday was amazing. I worked, then I went to Erika's and chilled with her and her sis for a few hours. I saw her about a month ago when she visited but nothing is more comforting than seeing a middle school friend
and her sis that you've known since she was like 9. It was great because I know her, her sister, her house and her family. It feels like a second home. College friends are great but there's something special with a childhood friend.
We laughed and joked the whole time, Erika gave me some books and it was very sweet.
I woke up today determined not to think about Dan period.
I aim to go home and call Mary Kate and then stretch and shower.
Maybe I'll look at my Math.
Maybe I'll kill the Preschool for giving me a B+
Maybe I'll just start to let it go.
I titled this "YESS" because my mom x'd out my entry but it saved and restored it. Sweet