and tho I walk thro the valley of matchmakers I will fear no ill

Jul 09, 2003 22:40

This lady from the stock unit(st1) comes past this afternoon 'complaining' about how she was only trying a little matchmaking with j and to recount this story about this other stockunit girl(st2) eventually worked out that this guy she REALLY didn't like she ended up deciding she really did like after her(st1's) help. I go bright red and keep my head down so this can't be noticed very clearly.

Anyway, later, I'm Ms. Silent as per usual when I'm on counter with J, cos I don't seem to be any good at talking to him any more. I just can't think of anything to say, or I'm in fussing over pissing him off(not sure why). And he seems to be trying to talk to me, including telling me precisely how every day he's depressed or down at specific times and at others he's not(apparently he's 'only' depressed first thing in the morning, just after lunch and last thing at night, yeah right). Meanwhile I have rabbit in headlights rictus smile thinking, why is he telling me this.

So I get to thinking would I really like it if he liked me? And y'know I don't really know. I have no experience in that dept. And I don't know this guy well at all.

In an article about britney spears I read a summary of today she apparently said of kissing that "I haven't had a boy in a really long time ... just a kiss, man. Just a kiss would be nice."
you and me both sister... but that doesn't mean that I actually want it to be J or that I don't. If I knew I'd let you all know, that's a possible promise.

joven, lurve

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