... and my mum goes out and buys boots for me. They're actually pretty nice fit-wise but they're really not extreme enough on the grippy soles. So I'm wibbling. Really don't want to return them, but on the other hand they're not really what I need
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My costume for the 80s night I'm going to is coming together. I bought some really tacky dangly clip on earrings from Claire's today. Had a slight panic just now when I thought i'd paid 4.50 for it instead of 2.25. But either way I blame it on late nights and poor sleep. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
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But OH NO. I come to update my lj and what do I see a purply valentines themed site. It's enough to make one kill things. That and when your mother turns to you after your anti-valentine rant and says "you'll change your mind when you have a sweetheart". Grr. Mind you mum and dad's cards to each other were their usual of the cuteness. Mum's had a
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I've been feeling a bit low about work lately and this evening brought me something to brighten my day. I got a very prompt and personal reply from the admin at My single friend and I got my login email as well just after! And thus I got to read Feather's description of me. I have to admit to pathetically feeling very touched and having slightly
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I never had one before that I know of. But then I've not had many years of full time working and only one year working in the job and career that I want. Last January I was a temp librarian for the info team. The year before that I was doing my masters. The year before that I was a library assistant. The year before that....I was just coming to
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Well that's another OAPs out of the way and this year I just feel like I hope there won't be another. We probably did the minimum amount of organising, possibly a little too little but never mind. The worst problems were that networkguy couldn't get hold of a santa suit and at the end there was no broom to sweep up with. Other than that it went ok
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So this morning all I remember of my dream is that there was a bit with Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise.... I don't think I was Katie at any point but anyway. I come up to this serving hatch. Standing on the other side of it are Dean Cain and this Blonde guy. Both have spiked up hair.... and are wearing what appears to be a chocolate breastplate/suit
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I've just cancelled my account on Match.com. It was pissing me off too much. It offers a free account but basically that is false advertising. As a free member you can 'wink' at other members, and show your details to other members. You can receive emails but then cannot read them without becoming a paid up member. There was at least a vague reason
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Rotaract is meant to be doing a Halloween night. I had just half psyched myself into doing it, but then I was talking to PM and thought, you know what's the point? It would just be me, with no safety nets. No decent vp or committee
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