Aug 31, 2006 18:15
About 5 mins ago I see dateboy online and decide I'll be friendly and say hello, his icon is showing up as idle but you never know. So I say hello and get no response and assume he's just away, but then a few seconds later he's not showing up online any more. Am I trying to be friendly too soon or am I just paranoid?
In other news the library newsletter that I compile and edit turned into a headache yesterday when I talk to this manager for strategy about her article on an upcoming survey. The first time I go I'm very apologetic and vague about why I changed her article I mean how DO you say to someone you were just trying to make their article more interesting and interactive. And she's ok about my changes but tells me what to correct as apparently the survey is a sample survey not an anyone can take part survey. So then the next proof comes through and I show it to her hoping to have her sign it all off not just her article and she says 'actually I just want what I wrote' and then gets all grumpy and talks about how I've wasted her time and I have to say that really hurt my feelings. I'm trying to make this newsletter interesting and fun for people to read. I willingly admit I make mistakes but I'm trying to get this done when people aren't always very good at sending me things promptly and it always ends up being very down the wire. I'm trying to be accomodating tho so if I make changes there is always room in my heart and the process to remove them. There was no call to say I'm wasting her time. Stupid cow. She is normally a very jolly nice person but she has some really bad sledgehammer tendencies which is all very well if you are a junior bod like me and don't know better but isn't very impressive if you are as high up as she is. She's not a librarian and has no customer experience in a library at all. What does she know about anything?
---end rant---
Hey, at least all that took my mind off the stupid tribunal thing...oops!!!
I just took some pictures around my town/village, and with a judicious bit of editing they've come out alright actually but I don't think I'm a good photographer. They're all for our club website as at the moment it has a random jungle type graphic which is great if you live in I dunno belize where my bro went but not so great if you live in a small town/village near a big town like Slough.
Anyway other than that today I bought some transfer paper for tranferring designs onto tshirts which you can print from the computer and ordered some temporary event license forms from the local district council. Thrilling stuff huh?
Am drooling over bravissimo sale items also. Sp as this morning one of the underwires on my regular use bras decided to make an escape bid in the middle. Am also being pathetically tempted by various tops with built in bras, sp the cocoa lacey one. Trouble is comfy is boring. I want a fun one and I know I need a comfy one. Eeep. Just realised accidentally searched WHOLE site for my size, not just sale items... 3 pages makes more sense than 15 for sale stuff!! Sigh. No lacey top, and no practical bra either, still some nice strappy stuff in nice colours tho. Should really stop wearing the ones I've got that are adjusted by hand.
Mmm lunch smells goood...sorry I mean supper.
I better go and stop boring you all, looking forward to seeing Feather on the w/e!!