sleepover time!

Feb 05, 2011 15:13

Characters: Anyone who wants to! Everyone is invited and if your character wouldn't ICly come, we can assume America made them!
Date: Tonight
Summary: America is hosting a sleepover at the spaceship.
Warnings: Sexy things. No actually it should be fairly innocent, but if anything happens, I'll update this.

this isn't late... )

*open, yu kanda, france, america

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Comments 293

sheroic February 5 2011, 23:13:51 UTC
[ America is standing outside the spaceship and waving to everyone who comes by. ] Hey! Have fun! Are you excited?


britanniarules February 5 2011, 23:15:53 UTC
[England looks up at the spaceship, then back at America, then up at the spaceship again.] So it really does exist.


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:16:56 UTC
Duh. Did you think I was inviting everyone to a place that didn't exist?

Who invited you, anyway?


britanniarules February 5 2011, 23:27:37 UTC
You did. Your RSVP said "everyone". As far as I'm aware, that includes me. [Goes a little pink, holding up a small basket.] I, um, brought food like I said. Just berries I picked, you know, but they're good finger food, right?


britanniarules February 5 2011, 23:30:56 UTC
[England's sitting around with a basket of berries, kind of vaguely wandering around the ship occasionally. Tidying as she goes as well. She seems a little lonely, go ahead and chat to her.]


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:36:21 UTC
[ America comes up to her from behind. ]

Hey! Let me do your hair, OK?


britanniarules February 5 2011, 23:40:53 UTC
[Jumps in surprise.] America! Don't just appear like that...


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:44:04 UTC
You looked all depressing so I had to stop you from ruining the party for my guests!


bakuhakuzan February 5 2011, 23:47:44 UTC
[ after being dragged here, Kanda's in the darkest corner she can find, with a drink and a ton of food in her lap.

she isn't going to share with you. ]


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:50:49 UTC
[ And America sits down next to her. She doesn't notice anything wrong with all the food, since she eats about the same amount in a few minutes... ]

I made that food myself, y'know.


bakuhakuzan February 5 2011, 23:56:49 UTC
It better not poison me.

[ This is how Kanda gives compliments about cooking: "It's probably poisoned me." = Tastes bad. "It doesn't taste too deadly." = Tastes alright. "It doesn't seem poisonous." = Tastes good! ]


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:59:13 UTC
Of course not! I'm a better cook than England!

Try some, there's a lot of meat.


gun_cata February 6 2011, 00:44:49 UTC
[Larry had a number of things in mind when she went there - hanging out, shooting the breeze, snacking, all the usual stuff. When she came upon the drink replicators, though, all that was forgotten in favor of seeing if it could put out a good Scotch.]

Please be good...


border_phantasm February 6 2011, 00:52:58 UTC
Yukari has to come, if only for the novelty. She also happens to have stumbled across the drink replicator.

"Does this really make any sort of drink?"


gun_cata February 6 2011, 00:58:43 UTC
Supposed to...

[She plops a few ice cubes into it, and lets it cool down and dilute a little - straight up warm whisky is still beyond her.]


border_phantasm February 6 2011, 01:21:39 UTC
"May I try? I haven't had sake in a while".

Nothing can compare to Japanese beer.


stalker_science February 6 2011, 00:52:42 UTC
[The first chance Ema gets, she's sitting in the bridge of the spaceship playing with the controls and taking notes on the technology. She's terribly disappointed that it's only a flight simulator... and is even more disappointed when she crashes during every attempt at playing it. But it's still science, in its own way, and it's good information to have. Just in case she ever needs to fly a space ship.

Come ask what she's doing?]


nuclearqueen February 6 2011, 01:00:05 UTC
[being an ACE PILOT herself Kallen cannot resist the urge to poke around in the guts of the ship, though she is surprised when she sees she's been beaten there]

Oh, uh, hello. This the control room?


stalker_science February 6 2011, 01:01:19 UTC
Yep! Although the space ship doesn't actually fly, in case you were getting your hopes up.


nuclearqueen February 6 2011, 01:04:59 UTC
Tch. I shouldn't be surprised.

[totally looming over your shoulder just a little] What are you up to, then?


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