sleepover time!

Feb 05, 2011 15:13

Characters: Anyone who wants to! Everyone is invited and if your character wouldn't ICly come, we can assume America made them!
Date: Tonight
Summary: America is hosting a sleepover at the spaceship.
Warnings: Sexy things. No actually it should be fairly innocent, but if anything happens, I'll update this.

this isn't late... )

*open, yu kanda, france, america

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bakuhakuzan February 5 2011, 23:47:44 UTC
[ after being dragged here, Kanda's in the darkest corner she can find, with a drink and a ton of food in her lap.

she isn't going to share with you. ]


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:50:49 UTC
[ And America sits down next to her. She doesn't notice anything wrong with all the food, since she eats about the same amount in a few minutes... ]

I made that food myself, y'know.


bakuhakuzan February 5 2011, 23:56:49 UTC
It better not poison me.

[ This is how Kanda gives compliments about cooking: "It's probably poisoned me." = Tastes bad. "It doesn't taste too deadly." = Tastes alright. "It doesn't seem poisonous." = Tastes good! ]


sheroic February 5 2011, 23:59:13 UTC
Of course not! I'm a better cook than England!

Try some, there's a lot of meat.


bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:04:56 UTC

[ Kanda could agree. A lot of the cooks in England couldn't make very good Japanese food. She didn't realise THAT'S NOT QUITE THE SAME...

so she tries some... ]

It doesn't seem like poison, I guess.


/threadjacking all up in this house britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:11:04 UTC
[Heard her name being mentioned and comes over.]

You'd better not be gossiping about me, America.


WELCOME, WELCOME bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:18:35 UTC
[ She stares. 'IS SHE PSYCHIC...?' is what Kanda's thinking. ]

I don't think so.


Hi ;u; fem!Kanda is awesome /hordes CR like a boss britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:25:04 UTC
[Sniffs.] Good. [Seems to finally register that she hasn't met Kanda before.] Pleasure to meet you, I'm England.


HFGFDHD I HOPE I DO HER JUSTICE. bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:28:49 UTC
You're... what? [ she has to wonder if England is a surname or something... that other girl mentioned an England... ]


Re: HFGFDHD I HOPE I DO HER JUSTICE. britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:36:25 UTC
[Blinks at, then looks slightly annoyed.] I thought, since you were talking to America, that she'd have explained about this sort of thing already. [Shoots her a look.] Clearly I was mistaken.

[Clears throat.] I'll make this simple then. I'm the representation of England. As in a national persona. An embodiment if you will. That's as far as I can explain it, since nobody knows the hows or the why. [Folds arms.] Feel free to call me crazy now.


bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:41:08 UTC
...I've heard crazier. As long as you don't piss me off, I don't care what you are.
[ She begins to get back into eating. ]


britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:42:00 UTC
[Raises her eyebrows.] I think I like your friend, America.


bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:46:42 UTC
Friend?! Wait... America. So she's one of... the same as you? [ points deadpannishly?! at America ]


britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:48:13 UTC
Quite. Younger, but still. The United States of America. Might I ask who you are?


bakuhakuzan February 6 2011, 00:52:03 UTC
...I'm Kanda.

[ sort of tempted to say the kingdom of Kanda, just to up her ego. ]


britanniarules February 6 2011, 00:54:21 UTC
Well, it's nice to meet you, then. I hope we'll be able to get along here. What were you talking about to do with me before I got here, then?


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