idek either

Apr 01, 2013 20:53

Today in the middle of class three students stood up from different areas of the room and walked out, stone-faced.

I immediately went "Whoa, hold up, where are you going?" and followed them to the door which closed behind them before I could get there, locking them out.

When I opened the door, all three of them were standing there looking dejected. The biggest guy whined, "The whole class was supposed to leave! It was supposed to be an April Fool's joke on the sub!"

The rest of the class, by this time, was laughing hard enough to cry.

I said, "Looks like it worked out really well for you," and let them back in.

(I didn't write them up--lamest prank in the book has to be punishment enough. Plus they stuck to work the rest of the time.* ;3)

eta: applegeuse podficced Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe, so you should hop on over and give it a listen! AND LEAVE LOVE, OF COURSE! :DD

*Earlier in class another guy (apparently in on the conspiracy double-cross) whispered really loudly, "HEY [BIG GUY'S NAME]" in an otherwise dead-silent room, and Big Guy looked up, looked at me, and whisper-shouted back, "KEEP TALKING, SURELY NO ONE CAN HEAR US." Dudebros. 

love is all you need, audiofics, do i really need a real life tag?, jobbing

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