Oh my god it's been so long since I've done a reclist I actually kept talking myself out of it because it'll be so much work D: BUT NO LONGER! HERE THERE BE FICS TO READ! *cracks knuckles*
No Soul to Sell by
toomuchplor: What to expect when you're incepted into expecting the unexpected. (oh wow i'm pretty proud of myself for thinking that up, good job me *pats back*) So clever and fun and twisty in the best ways!
Lost in the Warm by
toomuchplor: JGL/T-Hard. Part of the
Unkissed series but works just fine if you're only in the mood for something short and porny!
Teen Wolf
Next Thursday by
wldnst: Danny/Stiles. Guys, I'm sorry, I am so on board with this ship I can hardly form words about how much I adore it. So in this one Danny and Stiles and Lydia (and eventually Alison) for a Werewolf Support Group, and it's so SO CUTE I JUST CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU.
You Taste Like Glitter by
dizzzylu: Danny/Stiles. There was a time in Danny's life when he'd have sworn he had better things to do than sit in a club and check out the latest guy his ex is trying to hook up with. Muehehehehhh
Not So Harmless Flirting by
rivulet027: Danny/Stiles. Ahahaha, Danny wants to know why Stiles has stopped his awkward flirting, of course he does. ;DD
Crash Landers by
gyzym: Derek/Stiles.This worked really well for me because it acknowledged the creepy and just ran with it without making the characters too dark! IDK IT'S GYZYM. COULD ACTUALLY WRITE 100K OF SHOE/SOCK AND I WOULD READ (AND LOVE) IT. This was also covered in adorable little notes and just. yeah. YEAH. go go go
There is a Brotherhood by
Halp I have falled into a bottomless pit of Hockey rpf and I never ever EVER want to leave, seriously, HOW SO MANY AMAZING FICS HOLY FUCK. I still know fuck all about hockey. You do not need to know anything about hockey to enjoy these fics.
Kaner/Tazer (aka failboats in love)
armed with every precious failure by
liketheroad: Imprinting/Soulmates AU! SO GOOD AND SO FAILBOATY OH MY GOD
#hotshawce by
liketheroad: with bonus threesome Andrew Shaw! Loling at myself, I know even less about what Shaw looks like, it really doesn't matter, the characters are so snarky and fun.
Crossroad Blues by
randomeliza: In which baby Tazer makes a deal at the crossroads to become a hockey god, and Kaner is the one to do it. Mmmmmm right in the Supernatural goodness feels.
Instincts by
grim_lupine: PACK!FEELS! TAZER-AS-ALPHA, KANER-AS-PACK, all the needy touching nipping playing i loved everything about it yes i did.
I should say and you should hear by
staraflur: In which spending time to work on faceoffs (again, i really don't need to know what those are) puts them up close and personal with their feelings! ahhhh this was so good and great and I AM STILL BAD AT RECING THINGS COHERENTLY JUST READ IT
Bye Bye Blackhawk by
jedusaur: Kaner's-not-a-pro-hockey-player!AU! But he is a pro fan who wins a contest to spend a week with the 'Hawks!
Sidney Crosby/Evengi "Geno" Malkin (aka oh my fucking god they are so adorable i am so in love with Geno and i barely know what he looks like JFC)
try to map the ocean by
oflights: In which Sidney is turned into an actual facts penguin, and my cooing could be heard from space.
This is Not a Recipe by
sharksdontsleep: In which Geno teaches Sidney how to blowjob good. A+++
It's Really Not that Far by
linaerys: Sid doesn't like it when Geno kisses other people. Because reasons. Obviously.
Don't Call Me Crazy, I'm Happy by
chibirhm: Another fantastic author I followed into this madness--gorgeous and perfect and lovely established relationship fic, I love everything about it.
Other (not hockey)
i want to love first and live incidentally by postcard: Zelda Fitzgerald/F. Scott Fitzgerald/Hemmingway. Soooooo goooooood. So much better than Midnight in Paris even tried to be.
not in this new romantic way by
Gordian by
fresne: Sherlock/John (bbc!incarnations) Really fascinating and wonderful Omega!verse fic, where Sherlock grows up "unpresented"--he doesn't smell like an alpha or an omega or a beta, but he uses bottled scents and fragrances to get what he wants. Until John comes along.
Who Wil lFind You In the Middle of Your Breath by prettyasadiagram: Natasha/Bruce, Clint/Coulson, but mostly Natasha+Clint=BROTP. I wish there had been a little more Natasha/Bruce, because that's a pairing i apparently need more of like air, but the fic as a whole was lovely and so much fun to read--College!AU, Barista!AU, so much gold.
....oh my god how do i still have SO MANY TABS OPEN???
let me know if the links are fucked hokay good *collapses*