dean, we don't have time for any of your blahblahblahblah

Jun 13, 2011 08:27

Managed to avoid Annoying Lady (A.L. for short--a code name my Mom came up with so we can talk about her and ~No One Will Know~) most of yesterday after she told me three times that she just had to "urinate" and then I could use the bathroom. TMFI. Spent most of yesterday wandering around, going to panels, getting massages, pretending to melt like butter, trying not to stare too obviously at the speaker's fugly second-hand Armani cashmere sweater (which he took ten minutes to use as an example of how awesomely thrifty he is), and then after the Free Fish Fry (joy), Mom and I went for drinks and dessert and stumbled back just in time for Fourplay ( four short 1-to-3 person plays) where I got to oggle a man dressed as a pirate...who looks pretty much EXACTLY LIKE GWAINE AND LANCELOT HAD A BABY AND THAT BABY GOT STEVE'S BICEP TATTOO.

Hnnnnnnnnngh indeed. I guarantee you, he looks just as hot as you are imagining him to be, if not more so.

....OH. Fourplay. I just got it. *facepalm*

Also, last night I posted the undercover as a rent boy fic to AO3 because I just then realized it was over 5k, and that...uh...makes it legit, I guess? Idek. I Keep Fixing Every Habit That I Break--for those of you who...are interested. Yup.

How all y'all doing? LJ is quiiiiiet. Or maybe it's because I keep having to skip over X Men: First Class posts until I actually get to see the movie (UGH, LIFE IS DIFFICULT, and Valdez is just now advertising for Bridesmaids.)

unffffff i say unf, my family: emezzin, alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?, writing: i does it

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