
Jun 15, 2011 08:38

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Everyone, drop what you're doing and run here, download painted_pain's podfic of my stupid St. Patty's Day ficlet, Oh Danny Boy (Oh Boy, Oh Boy). She is legit Irish, and her accent is ADORABLE, and and and yeah. I'm unworthy, basically, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Be sure to leave her oodles of love!


You wouldn't think that watching plays back-to-back from 9 in the morning to 9:30 at night (with one-hour breaks for lunch and dinner) would be exhausting...or maybe you would, idk. For one thing, sitting that long really fucks up your back. For another, mostly these plays are roughish drafts, some better than others, but when you get stuck in a play that doesn't interest you like you thought it would sneaking out isn't very polite (or really an option).

But there are really good ones, and I'm enjoying myself. Even last night when Mom and I (you really wouldn't think from these accounts that my little brother is even here, but he disappears with his friends for most of the day) had Chinese food with one of the playwrights--who invited along the Annoying Lady who had asked after my virginity. She behaved herself though, or maybe I didn't notice (there was sake on the table, tbh).

It's now raining (in Valdez? Surely you jest) and I've almost deleted this half of the entry a good dozen times because I don't feel like any of this is particularly fannish or thrilling, but for my oooooown journal-y sake I will leave it here. ^_____^

Here, to make this a worthwhile post for you, have some pics of Valdez:

Alright, technically some of these are on teh way to Valdez.

Those weird poles at the side of the road? Yeah, those are so the snow plows can FIND the road. (Yes, the snow really gets that deep, we're right on the coast, everything is wet.)

Some dude.

Some dude's fish. No, the building isn't in miniature. Yes, that is a full-size door.

picspam, love is all you need, alaska: we're cool, audiofics, hawaii five oh my god

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