oh the sun is shining far too bright / for it to still be night

May 29, 2011 12:09

The dogs I am house sitting--okay, no wait, that's not fair, ONE OF THE DOGS I am house sitting woke me up at 5:30 this morning and just Would Not Shut Up so I figured something drastic was about to happen and dragged myself out of bed and walked them both in my PJ bottoms and highschool hoodie, and she was completely uninterested in anything but food.

Which. Could have waited until at least 8:30, Princess Face.

So auuugh I have opened a post entry tab three times now but I kept X-ing out because who wants to read about me being bored? Noooobody. But I guess that's exactly what this is, seeing as the thing I was going to tell you about won't happen for a few days because I can't read a calendar, apparently.


aksdflasdkfladdk CAN YOU JUST. REC ME THINGS? TELL ME THINGS, ASK ME THINGS, ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING. You want to fight? Yesterday shri_amato  and I got in a lively tussle over who would bottom and therefore carry the baby if Jensen Ackles and Adam Lambert decided to procreate--that was fun.

(I was rooting for Adam, because you know he'd rock the fuck out of glam maternity outfits.)

OH, OKAY, LET'S DO THAT. Give me an unlikely couple and I will gestimate who tops. Any pairing, cross fandom or not. This meme comes with the warning that I hardcore advocate for boys people who switch it up. And all arguing is meant in good fun, really, let's not turn this into a wank-fest.

Sound like fun? :D?

Hint for fandoms: Supernatural, Castle, Due South, Bones, Leverage, White Collar, Merlin, Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock BBC, NCIS, Hawaii Five Oh, annnnnd any others I've forgotten.

Go! *waves flag*
eta: Women are absolutely welcome in pairings. For example: In my humble opinion, Cam from Bones would absolutely top the fuck out of Vincent Nigel-Murray.

meme me, help me obi-flist kenobi, do i really need a real life tag?, full of ennui, porn: it's what's for dinner, sleep deprived r us

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