The eagle is also cute, hinthinthint

May 28, 2011 09:38

This is a picspammity post for The Eagle, which you should all drop everything and watch. BUT, I don't want to spoil the movie for you! I JUST WANT TO ENTICE YOU WITH THE PRETTY.

So here is basically a collection of random screenshots of boys staring at each other with little to no context. :D

This is Marcus. Marcus is what the Romans like to call "A Hotass"--okay, maybe now would be a good time to say I know fuck all about anything from this time period, except for Hadrian's wall, which we'll get to.

Marcus is not well-liked by his people, mostly because his father lost a big metal bird which is apparently the symbol of Rome and all Rome stands for or whatever. It's A Big Deal according to the Romans in this movie. And Marcus is hell-bent on restoring his family's honor through glory in battle, etc. (Cue allllllll the Mulan references you can think of, get them out of your system now.)

The boy is fucked in the head. No one sat this kid down after his dad died and said, "Marcus, honey, none of this is your fault, I'm sure your father did all he could do to serve Rome and not lose the Eagle,"--probably because everyone and their uncle thought Marcus Sr. must have done something Pretty Shameful for the "savages in the North" to get their hands on the Eagle.


Meet Esca:

Now, okay, DO NOT DISMISS THIS BOY BECAUSE HE'S SORT OF SCRAWNY AND HIS EARS STICK OUT A WEE BIT OR WHATEVER MIGHT BE YOUR HANG-UP.  Remember, bbs, we have overcome Danny Williams' hair, and now Scott Caan has ruined us for other men. I promise you, Esca grows on your heart, as Brigantes slave boys are wont to do.

Yes, slave boy.

Did you just get tingles down your spine? I promise, for those of you squicked by BDSM, that there is none of that (unless you want there to be, in your mind). But ohhhhh the tension. The STARING. If I had to describe this movie in fifteen words or less it would be: TWO HOURS OF EYEFUCKING AND I GUESS THERE IS ALSO A BIRD?

Here follows a montage of them looking at each other, jsyk.

Yeah, I am absolutely not explaining this picture to you. Let your imagination run wild and free into the gutter.

Okay, it was at this exact point above that the following happened:

Bro: They stare at each other like Sam and Dean.

Me: *choking back paroxysms of glee* ....Hhhhhow do you mean?

Bro: Like--right there, okay, he's staring at Marcus like Sam stares at Dean when he's sold his soul. Or vise versa.

Me: *flails very inwardly*

LOOK LOOK LOOK IT'S ~HADRIAN'S WALL~ which appeared for about ten seconds in the movie but it's the only thing I know anything about so we're going to talk about it. Once upon a time, the Romans built a wall between them and what is known today as SCOTLAND, because they figured it was just Too Wild byond the wall to conquer.

I have BEEEEEN to Hadrian's Wall! It is a sort of rubbly sheep wall now, but HERE LOOKIT:


Aherm. We now return you to your regularly scheduled eyefucking.

And then, just when the sexual tension couldn't get any thicker, THEY TUSSLE IN THE HEATHER!

I worked very hard to get this screencap, so you could see where Marcus's hand went (the back of Esca's nape, if you couldn't tell). Mmmmmm.

Oh, and then they meet up with some homies.

Look, I might be alone in this, but I think the Seal Prince is probably really handsome underneath the mud. Oh screw it, even with the mud. His actions in the movie aside, I would do him.

And then there's some lovely roleplay!

And one of those No Heterosexual Explanation Moments, which I won't get into for the sake of spoilers. BUT JUST KNOW THAT IT'S THERE. (I don't think you could miss it, honestly, but heads-up all the same.)

Esca even gropes his thigh a little (a lot). Look, the screencaps don't do it justice, but the filming in this movie is GORGEOUS. So many shots are like moving artwork, and it's not just the nostalgic Scotland side of me that's saying that. I mean, if you don't watch it for the slash factor you may want your head examined at least watch it for the photography.

And then they snuggle in the water.

Look, see, they are doing that thing where people link arms and sync up their walking.

And then they hold hands.

Eyefuck some more.

And other stuff happens, but if you want to know WHAT, well. Uh, yeah. Drop me a line? And I'll drop you a link. ;D

This is absolutely self-serving, as I want you all to go out and write me fic. And I'll also just pre-emptively warn for spoilers in the comments.

Eta: I'm so so sorry, I didn't realize megaupload would require a Premium Membership (silly me for thinking they probably wouldn't let me upload something I wouldn't be able to DOWNLOAD). I don't know of any other way to get it to you, but I am absolutely open to suggestions.


picspam, the eagle, my family: emezzin, if you were gay, scotland-a-go-go

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