hi icon pretty hi

May 29, 2011 23:31

The plan for this evening is to get buzzed on baileys and watch the SPN finale (Yes, Finally, I Know, I Have Been Saving It, Shut Up) and plan is going swimmingly so far. Can I just say I want the fic where Dean breaks down sobbing ten miles out of town and Sam has to cuddle him for an hour or so until he feels better, and there's awkward sobbing confessions (on Dean's part) and constipated Moose expressions (on Sam's part) and then desperate fumbly kisses (on both parts) because Dean is always sacrificing so much, all the time, and he had this moment, this sick thought, this 'What if Sam could have never known me' and he can't, okay, he just can't, he isn't strong enough to give up Sam, never ever was or will be, and Sam had his crisis of normal when Jessica died and it's no surprise that Dean's came late, he's always fucking repressing shit and Dean laughs wetly at that and says 'Where do you think you get it from?' all wet against Sam's shoulder and Sam just clutches him tighter and tighter and thinks Fuck it, I've had worse than a broken nose, and risks it, says, "For what it's worth, I think Ben and Lisa would have been proud to know you," and he holds his brother through tears he hasn't ever seen spill from his brother before, but if Bobby was around he'd say Dean cried worse when Sam died, and he never hardly shed a tear.

for those of you not interesed in the SPN finale, loooooook at my temporary house sittin' view.

Hoooooee would you look at that sunset.

Idk why my typing accent is suddenly fake southern, ~go ~with ~it.

AND OH HEY, that mountain is Sleeping Lady. No, really, that's what it's called. LOOK AT IT, it looks like a lady...who's sleepin'.


eta: Paart two what r u doin. MALE FUCKING MODEL. OHHHHHH I lolled. I lol'ed so much this episode, and only some of it is bailey's. AHAHAHAHA CAS IS GOD, THAT IS THE SILLIEST THING AND OH THE DEAN/CAS FANGIRLS I FEEL SORRY FOR, WITH THE WORLD'S SMALLEST VIOLIN hey you have had all the canon pandering you could possibly hope for all raise you from perdition and whatnot and BOOYAH, SAM BAYBEE, he's just fucking beautiful, AND THEN THERE WERE THREE OF HIM and it was GOOD. Cas is the new God, LOL fOREVER, oh honey, you are the god of trench coats at  best, and pffffffffffffft don't care, DON'T CARE, Sam and Dean are still slashin togetehr forevah. MALE FUCKING MODEL OH MY LIFE it is good. BOYS

epirant, picspam, the epic love story of sam&dean, alaska: we're cool, i probably need a drunkpost tag, supernatural

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