
Aug 02, 2009 22:13

Lately I've been working on translating some doujinshi I bought at A-kon. I guess I've made some decent progress at parts, but most of it I can't really figure out. I kind of wish I had people I felt I could ask for help with this sort of thing, but I don't really talk to anyone who can help, and it's kind of weird to ask someone out of nowhere, "Hey, want to help me translate this here gay manga?" I thought it would be good to finish it by the eighth, since the story coincides with the time of year, but that is clearly not going to happen if I'm left alone, so oh well. :\ Urgh, I am so bad at this studying thing. I'm beginning to think I'm too old to be able to learn this language really well. I feel like I can't retain any sort of knowledge whatsoever. x_x

In other news I am slowly realizing that I have another con to go to in about a month that I somehow managed to completely forget about until today. I don't have a hotel room or any merchandise or anything. All I have is the table, since Halo and I signed up and paid for it at A-kon. So I guess I need to figure out how to get myself in gear and actually get some work done. I really don't know how this is going to work out. I'm told Halo is planning on actually driving up there every day, but I tried that once, gave up after a day of it and got a hotel room last minute. But I can't afford a hotel room this time, so I don't know what I'm going to do. At least the art show spaces at this one are actually affordable, so I might be able to put in a screenprint or two if I figure out how. x_x But ugh, I don't know what to do...I don't feel at all confident that I'll do well at this con, and I really can't afford to lose a lot of money on it.

Urgh, I do not know what to do. I wish I had people around here to hang out and prepare for con stuff with. It would probably help with motivation, at least. But I, as always, am on my own with this, and left to my own devices to drag myself up and start working. Which, as you may have noticed by now, is pretty much a hopeless case. I'm constantly tired and unmotivated, and too busy spacing out to actually get anything done.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get back on track. I'm pretty much completely exhausted right now. This is leftover from last night, when I was woken up by loud, drunk people coming in at 2 in the morning and watching a movie in the living room for a while, during which I was completely unable to sleep. I'm pretty sure I must have stayed up until at least 4 or 5. And I managed not to nap today either. I'm thinking about trying to go to bed early in a bit, but it's hard for me to get to sleep when there's noise in the house, and our housemate, as you may have inferred, is less than considerate. (I don't care that yesterday was his birthday celebrations, they were still assholes when they got back from that bar.)

But anyway. With any luck, I'll be able to get to bed within the next hour or so, which should result in me waking up in the actual morning, like before 10 even, and I will then hopefully manage to find some food and get a good start and draw and ink and color and paint or whatever. Maybe try to figure out how I can get myself excited for this damn con, omg. We'll see. :x

assholes, animefest, japanese, doujinshi, translation, cons

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