May 04, 2004 21:17
Well I'll start with what I did with the rest of my weekend and then I'll talk about my gay sucky faggit ass week (and its only been two days, gheez!)
Well Friday night I went up to Jessica Frances Till's house with Lindsey and we hung out with Josh Boyd, Taylor, Serjio,and some other Gladstonians for awhile and then we went back to Jessica's and I had to leave early cuz I had church in the morning. At church we had a bake sale and there were these one brownies that I about died when I tasted because they were SOOOOo good.. like omg I have never tasted anything that good in my life. And when i was in church.. it was SO embarassing cuz the paster had just got done saying that someone was about to die and then my phone started to ring and EVERYONE looked at me and it was so bad. and it turns out it was Josh telling me a funny story about something I left at his house.. haha. So after church me and Katie went shopping downtown on 23rd and got some very cute stuff! it was great fun. and Then we went to the river to lay out, but it was like 5:30 so we didn't get like any color. While we were there Zach Richardson and his friend Erin Coffee was there and like we played around in the water. but OMG.. this one time I got pushed under water and then I came up and I didn't realize it but one side of my top wasn't covering what it was supposed to be and it was really embarrassing! and then when me and Katie were laying out there was this strange Mexican man video taping us and it was dirty and gross. and Erin mooned him.. it was funny.
Now to the things I don't want to talk about, like why my week has been so terribly bad and its only the second day of it. Well firstly.. I don't even know why Monday sucked.. it just did. In the words of... well I forget exactly who said it..but they said " I have a case of the Mondays" so maybe that was it or something. Or it could also be that I don't have a best friend anymore and that i don't think my old best friend really cares, cuz she has already moved on and has a new one. but anyways.. today just sucked cuz I had a chemistry test in science and I did SO bad. Spanish is just gettin gay and boring.. I hated P.E. cuz I hate volleyball and then in Hawaiian football I'm the only girl on my team and the guys never pass to me and its bull shit. At track I sucked it up at high jump... like usual... but this time my head landed on the bar and I have a HUGE bump and it just sucks. Then I had my first night of dance team tryouts and the dance is pretty easy so thats all good. and it looks like there are some good people tryin out this year so thats good. I turned my Team Leader Application paper to Kim, our dance coach, today and prolly tomorrow she is gonna interview me about it. I just really hope that I get it.
Today has really really sucked.. I mean I like cried all day after school.. and then I cried talkin to Britney at dance practice.. and then I cried tonight as Aj was bitchin at me about things with Anessa and tellin me things like "You're a fucked up friend", I cried when me and Anessa were talking, and now I can't even cry anymore because there are no more tears left but I feel like I'm cryin just on the inside. (that sounded really cheesey but I don't giva fuck)I used to think I didn't cry about anything.. but lately.. I have cried soo much cuz I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to about anything.. so I just cry. And I feel like I lost one of the best friends I ever had and I feel like she doesn't care and that she has moved on and has just found another best friend. Seriously .. its one of the hardest things to like hang out with someone ALL the time and then just have them hang out with someone else all the time instead. Maybe that means I'm jealous that she has a new best friend..but I hope it doesn't because I hate to be jealous. I just miss her alot is all that I can say. I remember that Anessa asked me to come with her over memorial day weekend and go to the beach, but I don't think she wants me to go anymore with her. I still want her to go with me to Texas tho. But again.. I don't think she really wants to.
I think I have cancer. My mom told me its probaly not, but I think it might be. It's hurt for a couple weeks now and its a bump bigger on my right side than my left. My mom also told me that if its not gone by a week then she will take me into the doctor to get it checked and make sure that I don't have cancer or anything. It would be soo scary to have cancer. I hope I don't because I would miss everyone soo much and there is so many things I want to accomplish sometime in my life. I was reading this article in a magazine once about how Mandy Moore has this list of everything she wants to do in her life.. and they may not be big huge things like finding a cure for cancer..but they are things she just really wants to do. I want to make a list of my own but I dunno if I would be able to do everything I put on it and then I would look back at my list when I'm old and feel disapointed that I didn't do everything I had hoped for in life and thats not a good way to die.
I'm just so glad that Katie Maher is tryin out for dance team because I love that girl SO much! and it would be so much fun with her on it. We have been starting to become such good friends lately and we have so much fun together! I'm also glad that I'm becomming good friends with all of my other girls too (jess, brit,steph, lena, lindsey, vaness)... its so much fun when we all hang out. I think we're gonna have another girl's sleepover this weekend and then go to the river or something the next day and just sunbathe. I also love Kimberly Evenson.. even tho we don't hang out that much outside of school.. we can tell eachother EVERYTHING and we trust eachother so much to know that we won't tell anyone else eachother's secrects. We're talkin all the time at track now and I need to hang out with that girl.
I have been surprised that lately I have been gettin along alot better with my parents than expected. We haven't fought for a very long time, lol.. well a couple days, but that is long for us, and my mom today even told me that she is always there for me to talk to.. which is something I have never heard her say before. I miss my sister Heahter so incredibly much! I love her to death and I can tell her absolutley everything! she is 18 years older than me so its so good to talk to her because she has been through everything I'm going through and I just can't wait at all for going to visit her this summer. I also miss my brother Matt VERY VERY much, whom I will talk about another time because it would take to long to type everything out and i don't feel like crying again.
That about sums it up on everything that I want to say tonight because I'm always tired in the morning.. and always late and I don't feel like being late tomorrow..but I konw I will be cuz I'm a lazy ass. Well talk to y'all later