Hangover Stage?

Jun 06, 2013 17:25

My goodness, I feel like I have enough energy for a brief (I hopes) shopping trip tonite. OMG.

Was going to shop Wednesday, but being without after-work noms I wasn't sure I'd make it. So I picked up a bag of potato chips (and a Kind Bar I couldn't eat, b/c I make bad decisions when my blood sugar is low), and sat in the park reading about pagan glamour until I was sure of what I was up for. And I sat there for over an hour, and that's what I was up for, and then I went home. It was really nice tho. An after work habit I would like to partake in more often :-) Which means either developing dinner-boxes, or a rich after work snack that can tide me over until its time to go home.

Also, yay sexxy new boots, but booo having to break them in. I'm starting to wonder if I have the energy to do that much walking. Whups.

Realized last night that while I've been more tired and sleepy overall lately, I'm also less anxious overall. Except for the bug incursion, of course, but then I also recovered from that in record time. So tentative yay. Tho last night I jerked awake a few times (SUGAR! AAARGH!), I *don't* feel like I haven't slept at all today. And of course, now that I'm comfy with my new wake-up schedule, I have to wake up an hour early tomorrow for my allergy shot. *shrugs*

Talked with my acupuncturist about the recent change in my tummy probs, and she has heard about cases that echo what I was wondering might be going on: Now that I've isolated and removed most of the foods that were f'ing up my digestive system (I'm sure I've missed stuff, my food life is boring), my system doesn't actually remember how to function without them yet.

That, combined with me wondering if I'm extra tired (but also less anxious) b/c my adrenal glands are finally done freaking out, makes me think I'm in the natural-body-withdrawal period that a lot of ppl go thru when they do things like quit drinking, or go on the no-sugar or candida or detox diets to unF#$% their bodies. It just took me almost-a-year to get there.

So I'm starting to heal from the inside out, but my body forgets how to do the things it used to do. Maybe. Hooray? My needler also suggested that I might be more sensitive to sleep dep now that I'm starting to recover from my 'sleep debt'. Which is why 12 hours of sleep one night followed by 7 the next night leaves me a zombie anyway. Meh.

In that case, maybe I should just continue hermitting until it feels like I'm out of this phase? If I'm wrong, I can stop hermitting whenever I like anyway. Tho this stage could take weeks, months, or longer depending on the person.

Also this week, more confirmation that refined sugars, not just chocolate, are bad for me before bedtime. B/c they add to the "Hey its bedtime, lets wake up and do stuff!" pattern that I can sometimes get around, but would rather just not deal with at all. I also think I may be crashed out on Monday & Tuesday *also* b/c of my store-bought meringues habit on the weekend. Only for the last couple of weeks, but I hope that means I can fix it as quickly.

Since I'm trying to cut back on sugar, I'm also slowly succumbing to the desire for ice cream. My ice cream maker requires freezing the bowl, so I put it in the freezer last nite. And it fit. And that's amazing. It could be a bit neater in there, but there's space. But not much space to both stockpile ice cream *and* freeze the bowl, so I'll keep that in mind. Will procure another batch of square & rectangular containers for more freezer-tetris this weekend.

I found paleo recipes (coconut milk ftw?) both with and without egg yolks, but going without means I *won't* be tempted to make meringue cookies with the leftover whites, which would be for the best. Hopefully making ice cream reminds me of what a hassle it is, and I can just stick to smoothies after that.

Making my own ice cream & desserts can still help decrease my refined sugar intake, since I'll actually know how much goes in. But ... maybe best just to avoid it after 6pm like teh chocolate. Which means desserts might be a just-on-weekends thing.

Also feeling the siren song of the waffle maker again. B/c otherwise ... probably not eating Belgian waffles anymore. Maybe on my Xmas list, if the slow cooker doesn't end my kitchen space.

And this weekend will experiment with carrot-cake-bread, so I can have a compact after work snack, and sit in the park in the evenings without turning into a food starved zombie. Or have a sugar crash. And those CC carrots will expire next week, so better use them for something. I actually dreamed of making a carrot puree ice cream, but I'm going to start with an easy chocolate recipe and work my way up.

Otherwise, no-frills lunches next week, with defrosted curry sauce from the freezer. And no-frills noms this weekend. No need to buy 'weekend steaks' when my fridge is full of andouille (sp?) sausages. Omnomnom. Hopefully it won't be too warm for oven stuff.

And let me say this- I am still vexed by the lack of coconut milk at Costco. Not even the super cheap Goya stuff. Sho weird.

Tonite's shopping trip will be to Home Depot (after eating a Kind Bar that *won't* hurt me), to get stuff for the balcony and bathroom fixing-up. I realized that with all the Greek & Egyptian styled pretend artifacts I have for the space already, I can just stick with that theme. So light colors and subtle patterns. If I repaint the non-folding table I'll probably just redo the white. And that will make plants stand out if I ever have a garden out there again.

Still looking for an "acrylic" medium to seal the "hydrostone" pieces I got at NYRF, but I have some contacts to follow up with that. The vendor doesn't have a website, of course. Blah. But the main goal is to put up the curtain vs. creepy neighbor, the other stuff isn't such a big deal. Will probably get that at my nearby BBB, but I don't want to have to wait for a new one of their coupons.

I'm trying to figure out if all the housework is an overhanging annoyance that really needs to be fixed for the sake of my mental health, or just a distraction from creative projects I used to enjoy b/c of some kind of stage fright (despite the absence of a stage). I guess I feel less horrible since finishing the balcony clean up? But I was feeling more sleepiness at bedtime before that happened. Meh, does not compute yet.

And a new home project is always cropping up, it seems, each time I finish another one. Current list: balcony fixes, bathroom fixes, sweep/wash the inside floors, clean the kitchen (esp top of fridge), and do a makeup purge (yay for soyish and glutenous makeup :-P).

In other news, I think I've done a good job at retooling my wardrobe. It seems like all the things I have for daily wear now make me feel pretteh without too much effort. And putting together my work week outfits in advance is definitely helping me utilize things that I usually forget I have when its 8am. But yah, sitting in WSP with a book and feelin pretteh, that's a nice thing to do when the rest of your day is very zombie-like.

This weekend I'd also like to take some time to just sit with my Sedona book and see what I can do with those techniques when I'm in private. Thus far, I'm always either at work or on the subway. The chapter that didn't make sense on Tuesday was better today, given that I'm still a bit numb but not sleep deprived.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth, http://chrysilla.dreamwidth.org/

detox, hermit, clothes, balcony, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, glamour, wsp, shopping, food, sedonamethod, chantry, health, stomach, sleep, sugar

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