That was pretty much my weekend. With a dash of socializing, which was nice.
I had a few chores slated for the weekend, but at some point (Saturday?) I suddenly decided my longer to-do list of things just needed to get done already. Like a debt snowball in my brain, tasks that seemed complicated or carried emotional baggage/anxiety were taking up a lot of space and energy in mah brain, and I would not be free until they went away. So my accomplishments list is a bit crazier this week.
-The normal every-weekend chores, including outfit picking, especially since I forgot it last week. My personal style is absolutely 'occult librarian' in all its myriad facets.
-Regular bi/triweekly laundry. Including the shower curtain & 'backlog laundry', stuff that I leave in the hamper b/c I wasn't planning to go to a gothclub/con/snowstorm any time soon. That's typically when I intend to do laundry two weekends in a row, but I don't think that's ever actually worked :-P. So I had to be a bit of a time finding extra places to hang wet air-dry items, but I was riding the wave of 'goddamit ima finish this' so I *made* it work.
-Junk mail shredding. Ima count this from last weekend b/c it was so much work. And I found more caches of junk mail as I did general tidying up. But with the front hallway 'runway' shelf clear of junk mail, I can actually put things like my bags and work stuff on that instead of the couch. Which is probably what I intended in the first place. *shrugs*
-Put up the balcony-curtain-hooks on one side (the creepy neighbor side). Epoxy is one of the most annoying substances I've ever come across, but it got done. Well... mostly done. I thought I'd marked the spots for the hooks carefully, but while the whole curtain hangs not all of the holes line up. And the curtain is much lighter, and the balcony much windier (at least on Sunday) than I realized. Two hooks have fallen off so far, one I popped off by accident while putting up the curtain (epoxied on Saturday, let it dry for 24 hours), one seemed to fall off on its own. Ima leave off the other side until I have a better technique for this. And maybe weight down the ends of the curtain, but that means more stress on the hooks. Still a work in progress, but I got the first version done, yay!
-Cleaned the fridge top, ie former mouse territory. Covered in dust and ... mouse evidence D-: That was probably the most emotionally loaded task, but a brief spritz of bleach cleaner and barely any scrubbing and it was over in two minutes.
-Put a paper bag cover on my Joy of Cooking book, which was also hit with mouse evidence, and thus yucky to use. Now lives on top of the fridge with my internet-recipe binder, b/c that makes sense. It used to sit on one of my kitchen chairs, on top of a plastic bag, and now that chair is free!
-Cleaned the stovetop, and side of fridge. Covered in lots of food residue, until I came along with a bottle of 50/50 h20 and vinegar. That got up a surprising amount of the stuff, b/c I didn't want to use any more bleach after using so much on the balcony and smelling it for hours, while *away* from the house. This took a lot longer, with a lot more elbow grease, also utilized baking soda and vinegar for the more stubborn burnt-on things. The baking soda volcano is (almost) all powerful!
-Put up new shower liner. Actually a possible curtain for the balcony, but the wrong color. Related to washing the shower curtain.
-Used a silicone sealant on the loose/broken grout at the edge of my bathtub, both for feared bug intrusions and also b/c I think there might be a leak.
-Stuffed more holes in the bathroom wall with steel wool.
-DUSTED. Dear gods the dust. But I felt clever for realizing I should 'dust' first before 'swiffering' the floors, b/c dust would end up on the floor.
-Swiffered the floors. Oh dear gods the dust/hair/threads/fabric... eeek. No wonder I always think there are critters ever, with all the extra matter my local dust bunnies mutated.
-Dusted the altar. B/c it needed it. Tho some parts of it didn't like being moved. SIGH. I've also just not been pagan-ing lately, too tired to remember I own candles. And am pagan. Hope its better now.
-Carrot bread. Not a cleanup thing, and came out very ... damp. But the flavor was shooooo good. But I suspect the starch + sugar is what made me pass out so early on Saturday nite. Next I'll try a wider, shallower pan (it is based on a cake recipe afterall, and I put it in a loaf pan, maybe more surface area for evap will help), or less liquid in the recipe. May take some to work in small tupperwares, it doesn't have the structural stability for plastic baggies like my banana bread.
-Ice cream. I tried! The 'soup' tasted great, but I think the ice cream maker's bowl wasn't frozen enough, and I accidentally placed it in a sunbeam while churning (after leaving the blinds closed for cooler temps, darnit). Then put what I had in the freezer and its a big hunk o frozen. Might let it melt down in the fridge to try churning again next weekend (and turned the fridge/freezer all the way up to maximum b/c its been weird lately), or just pop chunks of it in the blender for a frosty ... thing. Meh. I also have more expensive coconut milk in the pantry now, will see what happens.
-Got rid of the big bag o'booze! Some friends stopped by to pick it up, and hung out with me for a little while on the balcony.
-The a/c drip pan still works! Not really an accomplishment, but is still making me happy.
-Went to the further-away-from-train grocery store, which feels not much further from my place. They have better stuff, but I'm not sure about overall prices.
Things I didn't manage to get done:
-Was going to rinse the floor with wet swiffers, but the old box had dried out.
-Didn't vacuum the rug. Will be looking for the equivalent of a 'carpet rake' to deal with all of the long-strand stuff stuck in it, so as not to kill my vacuum cleaner. Will probably swiffer again, and then wet-swiff the same day/weekend.
-Forgot to shove boric acid in pest-holes before sealing them in the bathroom. Well... at least I finally have it in the house. It took me years to find that stuff.
-Wash all the new squared tupperware containers I bought for fridge/freezer tetris. There were just too many normal dishes. May also need a second waterproof dish drying pad. Too many dishes.
-Freezer tetris, b/c above reason. *shrugs*
-Makeup audit/purge. Will probably keep most of my eyeshadows, but now that I'm more sensitive to teh gluten I will be more picky about things like lipstick and gloss. So I should check which ones I can still use and toss the others. Probably have some empties and expireds to toss as well. Would be nice to really cut back on my makeup collection, since I've hardly used any in months. Will be less crabby about soy b/c apparently its been in my vitamins for over a year. *headdesk*
Even with the stuff I didn't complete, I've done a LOT of unf#$%ing of my space since MDW. And now there's room on top of the fridge for more kitchen gizmos. Yay/ohnoes!
For all the work I did this weekend, and OMG my back hurt by Sunday night, and I still had to finish the dishes and laundry, I do not feel like a wreck today.
Still not 100%, but not nearly as bad as I thought I would. By the end of last night, esp since I was too wired to go to bed ontime, I was worried that I'd be in zombie mode until the next time I had to clean all-the-things, which is why I had to do it all at once to begin with. But maybe not?
Also, its raining in wonderful boots+trenchcoat fashion, but I only had the slightest threat of a headache today. My tummy is still not great, but no where near as bad as it was on Friday (no physical lingering pain, yay). Did have vivid dreams and lots of wake ups last night, but still technically managed 8 hours, and the night before it was mebbe 12 hours (due to being knocked out by starch at 10:30pm Saturday), and I think I slept 9ish from Friday nite. Up obscenely early on Saturday morning. It is all a bit weird.
B/c I knew some friends were stopping by at some point to pick up the booze-bag, I got some relatively me-friendly chips at the grocery store, but they didn't really have time for snacks when they stopped by (parking was ridiculous in my neighborhood, and ppl can only park in the co-op's culdesac for 45 mins). So of course I've been eating corn chips and rice crackers since Saturday. Not sure what its doing to me, but my tummy doesn't seem any worse than usual? I did avoid the refined sugar, except for my usual daily chocolate dose, but I more than made up for it in starches.
That was nice tho, having ppl come over to visit me. Tho one kept getting bothered by my balcony curtain. I am still not sure about the hermit thing, but at least my home is more comfy for visitors.
Speaking of hermitting, this week's tarot forecast is ... dramatic on the subject:
Srsly Shadowscapes, you were supposed to be the LESS dramatic deck in my collection. How do my decks end up being so strongly opinionated? Or maybe my subconcious is more opinionated, now that I'm sleepier all the time :-P
A more literal, unfounded interpretation may indicate that 'some guy' is going to march into my nice clean chantry and cause me problematic feelings and/or force decisions. But based on what I'm actually working on/with these days, it reflects that I'm trying to decide between simple/complicated & hermit/social aspects of my life, looking outside and inside for guidance. Judgement indicates that somehow I'm going to make a decision on it this week, possibly due to dramatic events given ALL TEH MAJORS (jebus), but the outcome may also be dramatic. Its unclear that something will end, but something will be DECIDED and CHOSEN in caps. Or maybe just finally UNDERSTOOD in caps. And probably not in a horrible, angsty way given these majors in particular.
I've been leaning towards continuing to hermit for the summer, given that I finally feel like I'm in the detox-hangover stage of healing, and I don't want to feel pressured to deal with anything else. But maybe cleaning my apartment makes me feel miraculously better? Or I finally find a way to get ppl out to visit me more often? *ponders*
Last week's forecast certainly had me working on my 'roots' in unf#$%ing my habitat so hard. Lol, cuz 2 out of 3 cards had tree characters on 'em :-D
This weeks plans ... don't really have anything specific yet. May work on some of the bits of housework I didn't get to over the weekend. Or just relax and do the Sedonia work I didn't get around to over the weekend. Hopefully the move to clean came out of my emotional unpacking, and wasn't a resistance-ploy to keep me from working on it further, which I had planned to do last weekend. Not sure how comfy it will be to hang out in WSP given all the rain that might happen. Also not sure what's going on for Dad's Day this year. Hopefully no energy crashes.
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,