Feeling pretty low energy today, but I haven't slept enough the last couple nights, so *shrugs*. Also still headachey, but I'm not sure if its weather, allergies, extra sugar on the weekends, delayed pms, or wha. Maybe its a combo deal. I can stop buying meringue cookies on the weekends (am already doing better with less chocolate intake) but there's not really any way to fix the other things.
Most of my mind/body is all "Ugh, can we go back to bed now?" But some part of it keeps playing high energy goth club music over and over in my brain, so its kinda uncomfortable and confusing.
Also realized that I haven't been tracking my energy levels on weekends, so should work on that. But I am still getting extra things done around the house, so that's nice.
-All the normal chores stuff. Except my outfit sorting, b/c whups. Tho I also had less cooking to do b/c 3 lbs of meatloaf can go for two weeks. And be very unsatisfying, sadly. I wonder if I should just do chili next time, b/c all other ground beef methods just dry out, but would that be too messy to take to work? I guess I could just use a slotted spoon and let most of the liquid drain out as I'm filling up my lunch boxes...
-Despite not tracking energy levels, I did track my noms in the food journal all weekend. W00t.
-Started watching DW again, since I only watched the first two eps of season 7. It gets better a few eps later, apparently. Planning to be up to date by DCon.
-Got tired of losing track of how much frozen fruit I have in the freezer, b/c allthesmallcontainersargh, so now I'm keeping a few things in big long containers. And picked up more berries at Costco towards this purpose, and their berries seemed pretty good last week. Not falling apart or fuzzy at all. Need some more long containers for a few other fruit types, tho. Also, squared containers pwn round in small spaces, durh old Tetris training. If I can learn to live with my freezer size, I won't *need* to buy an extra freezer, and then multifaceted win for me.
-Paid teh bills, and went over the books. Still not able to contain my grocery budget so well, and spent a lot on extra things, but not nearly as much as other b'day months in the past (esp since I skipped that con on my b'day weekend). Also, I basically had double my usual income due to a 3rd payday in May (usually there's only 2), *and* getting my IRS refund, yet I did not spend all that $$ I had earmarked for my IRA. Which is amazing.
-Sorted thru and disposed of four years worth of junk mail piled up on the shelf by my front door. And a lot had to be shredded b/c they were credit card stuff. Srsly, why does BoA send me junk mail with my account numbers on it? Ugh. But I went to sit out on the balcony to do some of it, then decided to come inside and half watch tv at the same time. It also messed up my evening timing b/c the shredder can only be on for 1 minute out of 15 minutes or the motor overheats and quits. So a long task got longer. But it got done, and now that area is unf#$%ed. Partially inspired by last week's bug incident, b/c I'd rather have less clutter for them to potentially hide in. Now I'm not sure what to do with all the extra space there. Yay?
Wondered this weekend if all the house work is a distraction from my creative stuff, a way to fill the void in my life b/c I just don't feel creative, a procrastination technique towards same, or what. In the end, I don't think having a cleaner home will hurt me, so might as well keep working on it.
The junk mail shredding is part of why I was up until 2am on Sunday, instead of 11-12ish as planned. I had to keep waiting for the dumb shredder to wake back up every 10-15 mins. And suddenly it was quite late. Argh.
And I had wanted to patch up holes in the bathroom and then sweep/wash all of my floor space, but first Sears didn't have the home improvement gear I needed, and then junkmail just wore me out too much. Will try to pick up stuff at Home Depot this week, for bathroom fixes and balcony stuff.
Also, was letting myself eat some chocolate later in the evenings to see what happened, and *that* is what happened. So will stop doing that on weekends.
And last night I just got to bed late b/c Mondays are weird. I got out of work earlier than usual (b/c new summer hours), but the trains were screwed up so I don't remember if I actually got home earlier than usual. *shrugs* Last nite I was also back to my old mode of bedtime-mean-brain-speed-up, not a good thing. Y'know, Sunday morning I slept until noon, maybe giving me 12ish hours of sleep. Is that what's wrecking me? Argh.
Today I'm in zombie mode, which is making both reading and implementing my Sedona book more difficult. There is such a thing as 'too tired to have emotions' making the exercises kinda pointless. But overall I think its been a good investment of $$ and time. I was pretty much over my bug-fear from last week by the weekend, which is really weird in an entirely wonderful way. So the combo of Sedona's "let it go" and CBT's "stop thinking that" are working out so far. And I explained Sed to my therapist, who thinks it sounds like a pretty good thing to try out.
Trying to let go of feeling numb isn't working so well today, tho. So yah, obvious Sedona-shortcoming, you can't just *let go* of immediate physical problems discomfort (see also, last week's almond-induced IBS flare up, eek). Being less emotionally f'ed up overall will definitely add to one's overall spoon supply, and may help a lot with stress-related illnesses not happening so much, but its not an instant fix. And we still all have bad days.
Was going to rethink hermitting this week, when last week went haywire, but I can't really think right now. I'm going to acupuncture tonite, but I'm not sure if I want to go out or stay in for the rest of the week. And 'Can't Stop the Serenity' is Saturday, and was tempting, until I rememberd "O ya, gluten. Meh." So probly not.
This weekend I'm going to try to either make two loaves of banana bread, or one banana and one carrot (experiments, yay?) so I have more easy-to-transport snacky things during the week. So if I feel up to hanging out in the park after work, I don't have to go forage for noms first. Would also like to try the home projects that didn't work out last weekend, including a trip to Home Depot for some stuff.
I got my new boots today, yay! So that is some more incentive to be out of the house tomorrow. Tried them on at work, but I'm wearing the wrong socks and outfit for the new sexxyboots, so will start breaking them in tomorrow.
Also, after defeating the junk mail monster, I'd like to start unloading my big basket of books at the Strand again. Since I kinda forgot that project for ... three months? *sigh* More going outside, was bound to happen eventually. I also need to mail an internet friend all the DW books he claimed in my Discardia photo drive, and deal with all the leftover bottles of alcohol. Those will probably end up in the garbage, b/c ppl don't remember to visit me that often. But we'll see.
<3 Chrysilla
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,