So, full moon in Scorpio with a partial eclipse, no wonder I've been extra introspective this week. And getting somewhere with it, tho still at a snail's pace.
Figured I'd do a tarot reading to see where I was with things. Not without road bumps, but wow hermitting does seem to be a good idea right now.
And since I know ppl who are interested in such things, here's how my kind of tarot reading works:
I start with a basic celtic cross. And the starting cross looks pretty nice. I'm coming into an artistic streak, but it shows me reaching out to others to help them and share myself and be all luvy duvy. But while I'm reaching out to others, my future starts looking dark and confusing, and the people around me may not have the most grounded, well thought out advice for me, or good lifestyle choices for me to try and emulate. In the end, mastery of self and problems.
Scorpio is a good moon-sign for digging deeper, below the surface. On the surface, it was all "Yay other people!" Dig a bit deeper, and OMG other people are not a good idea right now. Hermit showing up in the environmental position (#8) notwithstanding. Position #1 shows that I'm creative when I'm home, relaxed, and comfy. Position #2 shows the charitable 6 of Pentacles leading me into bondage to the needs and dramas of other people, who were not supporting me as much as they were building a nice trap around me. This doesn't mean that everyone is out to get me, but based on *my* goals, I'd do well to continue taking care of myself first and other people second. And ppl who kvetch about that may be held suspect.
Above #1 (questioner) and #2 (immediate influences, now or almost now), is position #3 which I've learned to see as goals/destinies. Things we're working towards, whether consciously or otherwise. And its a very romantic couple'ey card to start, but now flanked by break ups, drama, stress, and general not-helpfulness. Makes me think of the chocolate chip cookie metaphor from BtVS: I'm not done baking yet. Whether or not potential mates are jerks themselves, I'm not in a good headspace to deal with any romance right now. So lemme alone pls.
Going clockwise come #4 and #5, which are distant past and recent past. Don't need to go into those too much, but it continues the themes of me trying to get myself together, but then getting distracted by other people. And whether or not they were actually mean, it disrupted my needs over and over again. I have trouble balancing the needs of myself with those of others, so right now those others gotta take a back seat or get out of the car.
Clockwise again is #6, future events, which is not always that reliable for me. Always in motion is future. So yeah, some successes, some failures, some confusions. But definitely looking into my unconcious mind (the Moon) and anxiety problems (9 of wands) are a direction I need to go in.
Going up the side from the bottom, #7 is the questioner and how they're dealing with all the stuff in 1-6. Queen of Pentacles = down to earth, taking stock, and yet mighty in my practical way.
#8 is about your environment and/or social sphere, which I wanted more detail on since I showed a lot of trouble with ppl. Some will understand my needs b/c they've been there, some will be flaky, it doesn't look like anyone will throw any tantrums if I go solo for a while.
#9 is the inner thoughts and emotions, and wheel of fortune is kinda, um, random. But if I continue to work on my brain, the wheel will probably spin favorably. Also, random chancy weirdness may help me figure out more brain stuff.
#10 is the final outcome, sortof a future card, but more about how a person can/should/shouldn't use all the influences and experience they have to work with. If I keep working on solo stuff, I will figure it out. Both the psych/emotional stuff (King of Cups) and the physical, viril body stuff (Knight Pentacles), balanced out and under control (Magician).
So yeah, Ima keep working on teh me, and things will be OK. Sorry in advance if I can't make it to your gigs/emergencies, but I'm just not up for it right now.
<3 Chrysilla
Crossposted from Dreamwidth,