The Art of Doing Nothin' Much.

Mar 26, 2012 19:54

At some point in the last two weeks I gave up on having a social life for the most part, because the guilt of not making it to people's *things* was getting to me. I'm back to being a bag of lead weights with achy feet, and I have a vending event to prep for despite that, so everything else goes on the backburner again. But knowing my friends, nobody's going to hold that against me, and we can hope that I'll feel better by summer.

I think the extra foot-owch came from the rekindling of my sewing addiction, which still requires a lot of standing around to work. Its also still oddly draining of my energy and attention. I don't know why. Maybe I spend more psychic (as in psychological) energy into it than I realize, on an unconscious level. But I put almost all of it away last week, even the half-finished projects. Just go away fabric. If you're not seasonal by the time you come back out I'll just wear you next season :-P

Much as I ADORE the purple corduroy jacket I made in time for early spring, I kinda wish I hadn't started this again. Oh well.

After putting the sewing away, I cleaned up my workbench for jewelry, which included lots of clutter-shifting to the sewing table, and sketched out some notes on jewelry ideas and possible shopping lists. I was able to talk myself out of going to the New York Whole Bead Show, after taking a closer look at the materials I like to get there. I have enough to last until October, and they're not even in theme with my next event, so it will be OK. And NYWBS is already so draining when I'm not already unwell.

I was supposed to attend a "Steampunk Fete" in Astoria this Saturday, if I could get a ride from a friend, b/c I didn't want to wear myself out on weekend transit. But the friend got sick at the last minute, and there was supposed to be rain too, so I just stayed in. And for the rest of the weekend.

I'd already planned ahead to not cook (thanx to last week's leftovers), and the sewing was tidied up, so my plan was jewelry and/or vegetating. So of course it was mostly vegetating. Tho another factor played in - last month I forgot to schedule my monthly full check up so my Rx for the Pill lapsed, and I decided to take a month off. So for the first time in two years I had my *normal* TTotM and ... ugh. I don't care if I never have sex again, this is reason enough to stay on the Pill for ever and ever. A bunch of physical stuff happened, feeling more rundown, some extreme sugar cravings that got pitted against being too tired to go out and buy chocolate. Good thing the Indian place I like was able to do deliveries this weekend. Omnomnom. But whats odd is I didn't get into any really bad moods. Unless "bad mood" got turned into "must pack away all sewing b/c I hates it today" earlier in the week? That can happen. Mostly my symptom is more "extreme mood," and could be good, bad, ugly, active, or obsessive.

The sweet cravings did help me rediscover the frozen berries in my freezer, and I finally improvised a smoothie mixture that I like. I think it was the strawberries that put me off last time. I keep trying them, thinking I'll like them, but ... I just don't. Sorry strawberries.

For posterity:
100g blueberries
100g blackberries
1 cup apple cider
With frozen berries and cold cider. Yum! This will defend me from ice cream cravings.

I did do a little jewelry repair. In cleaning up, I found some polymer clay "art" pieces that I'd glazed with something that made them too sticky to sell in good conscience, so I re-glazed them with the on-brand stuff and now they seem OK. Woot! They are fine fodder for the Steampunk event, and now I don't have to make more. I also found a stash of earring bits that will happily get recycled back into circulation. And I'm sho much better at earring-makings now than I was then, *cringe*.

Oh, and while vegging I FINALLY watched Sherlock. Moffat should stick to stories where he can use as few female characters as possible. I thought SH was more autistic than sociopathic tho, but I guess the latter is more popular now thanx to Dexter. And finally having watched the show and not just seen pictures, I see why Sherlock is voicing Smaug in The Hobbit movie. I was not expecting that baritone from that pale, reedy looking bloke. Yay! Sadly, they only had season 1 on Netflix instant, but I haven't cancelled my DVD subscription yet...

And then I watched an episode of a sitcom that Sherlock was in, to assure myself that the actor is only really hawt when playing a super genius. Who would be even hawter to me if he wasn't a "high functioning sociopath". Srsly Moffat? "Ppl with mental diseases also have MAGICAL POWERS???" I do not like that trope.

After that I started watching Being Human (BBC vers) for the first time. Two episodes in and I wanna cuddle all three roommates. They're sho cyooooooooot!!! The werewolf, he squeaks! ZOMG!

See Moffat? What happened to "Ppl with MAGICAL POWERS have magical powers." Duh!

Again I am reminded that I'm still in a Saturn Return. If there's a lesson to be learned from this weekend, and many others, its how to "sit on my @$$" in the proper manner. Apparently the only way to get over mono is to be lazy for months at a time. Fine. Bring it. Lots more BBC to watch on Netflix :-P

This weekend was also a good one to take off, because next weekend is ICON. I'm still worried that I'll be too tired to do much but am planning ahead as best I can. Decided to take Friday off instead of going to con after work, commuting mid day, checking into the hotel room with my friend to drop off my stuff *before* going to campus to get my badge, bringing a book with me in case I just need to sit and read on a couch in a lobby at any point, no elaborate costumes or props to lug around. I forgot to buy a badge online, and I've been told the buy-on-site line is longer (a stark contrast to DCon), but I guess I'll just roll with it. I'll have a book. And a trenchcoat, b/c it usually rains for ICON.

But I'd like to have a nice geekend. Am looking forward to it :-) My feet already feel a bit better, yay.

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

health, icon, sewing, conslut, mono, astrology, food, jewelry

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