
Jan 31, 2013 21:47

So yes, hello, I'm back. Trying to recapture my internet presences. And since I have a bit more presence of mind reclaimed from the chronic fatigue, maybe I will have more will to write the long winded LJ/DW posts I used to. Semi-publicly. Yay?

Realized I could do some tarot reading to figure out the annoying situation of being stuck a couple of weeks ago, and decided not to wait until Imbolc.

Phase 1:

Phase 2:

Bottom line, looks like its time to GRAB it, even if that seems foolish at the onset.

For example:

I don't care if lots of paleo ppl still sound silly to me, Ima keep not eating wheat, dairy, and the rest b/c its doing *something* to me.

I don't feel like going out. I'm going out anyway. Dammit. (Ugh, even if it's flu season???)

I am going to get that CostCo membership. And an extra freezer (tho that may have to wait until my b'day).

I am adding a new vending con to my year. One so far, now make some shinies!!

I am going to write that damn radio show. And then make ppl perform it for me until its ready for recording.

I also do small weekly readings for myself with a new deck, both to familiarize myself with it, but also to keep my skills a bit sharper than I was. Mebbe will post that here too.

In other news, I spent winter break ... not so much putting new years resolutions together, but planning new patterns and habits to develop to try and make my life easier. Success has been mixed so far, but I did get waylaid by a really nasty S.I. for a week.


-Embracing the one-cooking-day per weekend to pack all my work lunches (tho I was doing that before for a while, ima keep doing it). Breakfasts too, now that I've found a recipe for Kind bars without the soy.

-Purchase tracking and spreadsheets for bills and things are also old, but Ima keep doing them. And see if I can't save more this year than the year before.

-Bringing my seed bead kit to work with me so I actually get some of it done on my lunch break. Its too cold to go outside anyway, but when its warm enough I can take it to the park too.

-Choosing outfits for the work week during the weekend. Maybe its a bit OCD, but on the other hand it means avoiding the 'closet orphan' effect. Resulting in fewer cravings for clothes shopping. Which are usually far between for me, but I have hoarding tendencies when it comes to clothes.

-Trying to get 9 hours of sleep a night. Not working too well, but at least when I miss I get 8 instead of 6-7. Tho now that I seem to have a sleep apnea that may be futile, and may change when treatment starts. It means having to be home earlier in the evening, but I've been too tired for socializing anyway :-P

-Doing morning exercises prescribed by my acupuncturist. They're less activity and more massage-the-pressure-points, but its something. If I could stop being so groggy about getting out of bed I would have time for yoga, but one thing at a time.

-Doing my cataloging work while watching the circulation desk. Because reading blogs just isn't stimulating enough while I'm out there, and I'd like to be in a more professional head-space while I'm there. Been bad about it this week, but I'll try again tomorrow. And I have a backlog to get through, bad Chrysilla.

-When I get sewing-cravings, I try to channel them into beadwork instead. I still need to work out how to deal with my sewing habit. I like the finished items, mostly, but its oddly draining for me. Over the next *year* (after my con-season Feb thru May), Ima try to get through my fabric stash, and then be a lot more selective about what I buy in the future.

-I actually have lists taped to my pc screen, describing the thins that I should do during the weekend, and during weekdays. Weekday just says "Watch TV/DVDs, Simple dinner." So if I'm too tired to do anything else, I've automatically succeeded. Chores and creative projects are on the weekend list. As well as taking my vitamins, cuz I forgt that on weekends.

I will vanquish thee, brainfog!!!!

<3 Chrysilla

Crossposted from Dreamwidth,

imbolc, goals, clothes, work, cf, health, mental health, sewing, tarot, photos, virgoness

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