
Basic Stuff

Oct 17, 2008 06:23

I woke up today thinking about all the new realizations and progress of the past few weeks, and deciding to laugh rather than wince at the fact that most of these big, important mental-emotional-spiritual transitions are, when I get right down to it, basic stuff:

- Do your Work (your Work, not someone else's)
- Separate/differentiate yourself appropriately from your parents as you grow up
- Get some exercise and fresh air
- Know Thyself -- and then choose and act from that knowledge

The basic principles are pretty much universal.

Unfortunately -- or maybe not -- we each have to figure out how to understand, integrate, and act on this wisdom in our own lives.

And, because life is a spiral journey, we get to re-learn these lessons again and again and again, each time at a higher/deeper level as we progress.

I suspect that I'll be having revelations about these basic principles two decades from now that will feel just as urgent and important as these do now. Goodness knows I've had them before. . .
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