
10 Years Ago Meme

Oct 17, 2008 13:44

Seen on several LJ's:

1) How old were you?
Then: 33
Now: 43

2) What was your online presence?
Then: I was a regular participant on alt.sex.bondage and then soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm. My gaming group had started doing between-session scenes via email.
Now: I have three LJ’s, active accounts on Goodreads.com and FetLife. I’m working on creating a professional site for my spiritual direction practice.

3) Where did you work?
Then: Temp jobs
Now: A national company you’ve all heard of that I never name on LJ.

4) Where did you live?

5) Who did you live with?
Then: The Just-Becoming-My-Ex Husband, Toddler Wolfling
Now: Wolfling

6) How was your health?
Then: Pretty good. I was working out regularly
Now: Needs work. I don’t get sick very often, but I need to eat better and exercise more.

7) Pets?
Then: Three cats in the house, none of which were mine
Now: Wolfling ;-)

8) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/spouse/S.O.?
Then: The Man Now Known as The Ex
Now: The late uncrowned_King

9) Who were your friends?
Then: Hob, the Welshman, and the rest of the gaming group. The WIT women’s group. WM.
Now: oakmouse, Kateri_thinks, athenian_abroad, Nick, Hob, _storyteller_

10) Any kids? Any plans for kids?
Then: 2-3/4 year old Wolfling
Now: 12-3/4 year old Wolfling

11) What was your worst struggle?
Then: Worst? I was the mother of a toddler, my marriage was ending, and I had just finished graduate school and was working temp jobs. If I had to pick one, I’d have to go with the mothering - but it was one big, hairy ball of challenge.
Now: Getting my spiritual direction practice off the ground.

12) What was your biggest joy?
Then: Gaming
Now: I really don’t have joy in my life right now. I’m working on that.

13) What did you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Then: Earning my MA in Comparative Religion
Now: My underworld initiation and all the work that led up to it
Being a good mother to Wolfling

14. What advice would you give your younger self?

That thesis you just wrote? Turn it into a book. Now. If you don’t do it now, it may never get done. If you’re not sure what to do, ask Prof. W for help. And that “twiddle” called Occupation that you’re playing with? Stop asking for the input of others, write from your gut, and finish it. If you don’t do it now, you may never get it done.

15. What would your younger self say to you?

You really think I should? You really think it would work? That anyone would be interested? That I have the right, the credentials, the talent?

And then I would grab Younger Self by her shoulders, shake her, and shout “You are your own worst enemy! Get out of your own way! You are good! For god’s sake, take a few risks! Put yourself out there! You have nothing to lose!”

16. Looking back, is your life in 2008 what you thought it would be in 1998?

Not one little bit.

memes, personal history

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