My therapist, Anita, wants me to get outside and walk more. ("More" would consist of just about any walking at all, given my current activity levels.)
My 90 minutes of workouts per week with a personal trainer are good -- but it's an inside activity. I'm supposed to go out.
Anita wants me to go out and walk because exercise and fresh air have a positive influence on overall well-being.
oakmouse wants me to get outside and walk to balance my underworld work.
Someone Else wants me to get outside more as well.
They're all absolutely right about what A Good Idea it is.
Yep. It's A Darn Good Idea.
* At the very least I can go outside the office during my lunch break and walk up the hill and back.
* There are lots of good walking trails in my neighborhood.
Why are the easy and obvious things sometimes so very hard to actually get done?
Uhmm. . . Do I get irony points for making this post so soon after changing my user name? Wouldn't Wild-Creature-Who-Travels-Outside be an alternate version of Feral Journey??